![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
seats, springs, plug to tie rods. Position the tie
rods on the pivot arm and tighten plug until seats
firmly grasp ball stud on the pivot arm. Install
ball socket on spindle and secure with nut and
cotter pin.
1. Depending upon the model of the lift truck,
install axle mounting housing or housings on
steer axle pivot pins. Type III steer axle requires
that solid spacer is positioned between end of
pivot pin and frame.
2. Position steer axle on a jack or other suitable
device and raise it into position under the truck
3. Install mounting capscrews, lockwashers, and
nuts if applicable; tighten until snug to permit
movement for adjustment.
4. Type III Steer Axle:
Push entire steer axle against rear spacer and
turn adjusting screw in or OUT (as applicable) to
take up end play between pivot pin and solid
spacer. Tighten adjusting screw to a torque of
10-15 lb-ft. Tighten jam nut to a torque of 90-0l0
Figure 4. Pivot Arm Installation
lb-ft after adjustment is completed.
(Type II and III Steer Axles)
5. Tighten steer axle mounting nuts or capscrews
60 max and install cotter pin.
12. Install hu b cap and secure with capscrews and
6. Thoroughly lubricate all lube points of the
lockwashers, tightening capscrews securely.
steering system.
Lower the truck to the floor.
7. Connect drag link to the pivot arm. Install floor
plate and toe plate and fasten securely.
1. Make certain pivot arm pin, bearing seats, and
8. Lubricate the inner wheel bearing cone with
steer axle housing bore are clean.
specified grease. Use an applicator designed to
force lubricant into the bearing rollers.
2. Install retaining ring and lower bearing cup in
steer axle housing; install upper bearing cup.
9. Position inner bearing cone on the spindle.
Make certain cups are firmly seated.
Lubricate the bearing cups in the wheel and
carefully install the wheel on the spindle.
3. Seat upper seal ( ig. 4) on pivot arm firmly. Fill
seal with specified grease.
10. Lubricate the outer bearing cone with the
specified lubricant, using an applicator. Install
4. Pack upper cone with specified grease and
the bearing cone on the spindle.
press it onto pivot arm pin until it is seated
against the shoulder.
11. Install washer and retaining nut on spindle.
While rotating steer wheel, tighten retaining nut
5. Install pivot arm with bearing in steer axle
to a torque of 50 lb-ft; then back off nut until
loose (0 lb-ft). Rotate wheel alternately in each
direction while tightening retaining nut until a
6. Pack lower bearing cone with grease and install
torque of 25 lb-ft is obtained. Then back off nut
it on pivot arm pin.
30 min to
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