![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
12. Inspect cylinder bore. Deep blemishes require
7. Ensure that cylinder is completely reassembled
reboring to resurface the cylinder wall. Pressure
prior to installing
marks and discoloration may be polished out
with crocus cloth. (Do not use emery cloth or
8. Replace master cylinder in its relative mounting
sandpaper.) Make certain Intake and bypass
location and install securing capscrews.
ports are open. Bypass port may be probed with
soft iron wire. Follow the honing equipment
9. Attach brake pedal push rod to cylinder and
manufacturers recommendations for honing.
secure with clevis pin previously removed.
Care must be exercised cot to go beyond
tolerances for cylinder size. A cylinder honed
10. Connect brake hydraulic line to cylinder.
oversize must be discarded.
11. Refer to LUBRICATION CHART and fill cylinder
13. Before assembly, inspect parts for corrosion,
with proper high grade hydraulic brake fluid.
scratched or pitted piston bearing surfaces,
12. Bleed brake system as outlined
tackiness, etc. ) and spring action. If cylinder
appropriate heading, this Section.
has been honed, replace all parts contained in
repair kit. Replace all other parts which appear
13. Replace floor and toe plate.
worn or damaged.
14. Lubricate parts and cylinder bore with clean
brake fluid and assemble m direct opposite
If pedal linkage does not provide proper clearance or
sequence of disassembly procedure.
lash between master cylinder piston and linkage with
brakes released. piston cannot return to full off position.
Brakes will drag after several applications if bypass port
is blocked. Refer to Figure 8 and proceed as follows:
Make certain lock ring is firmly
seated a groove provided in end of
1. Loosen locknut at master cylinder.
Largest end of piston spring and pressure valve
2. Adjust linkage to provide 1/2" of free play
must be toward outlet end of cylinder.
measured at brake pedal. More free play will
reduce usable stroke of master cylinder piston.
3. Tighten locknut.
1. Secure the cylinder body in a vise, exercising
care so as not to distort the cylinder unit or crack
2. Replace filler cap,
previously removed.
3. Refer to Figure 6, and replace brake line fitting,
copper washers, and outlet fitting bolt.
4. Carefully replace spring and seat, rubber, piston
and copper washer.
This assembly must be held in
position until lockring is properly
Figure 8. Adjusting Pedal Lash
inserted to retain parts.
5. Insert lockring and ensure Its proper seating.
6. Replace rubber boot and push rod.
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