![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
installing the oil filter screen in housing.
2. Make sure output shaft is installed with the
internal splines facing towards the outside of the
gear case.
3. Make sure that the machined reliefs in the idler
shaft cap are positioned down so that the oil in
the cap will drain into housing.
4. As the gears and bearings are being installed,
coat all surfaces with an acceptable lubricant
and make sure they rotate freely in their
respective locations.
Figure 1-10. Removing Output Shaft and Gear
5. When installing the bearing retainer, be certain
a. Remove capscrews holding output shaft
to align the match marks made during
cap to housing.
disassembly. Make sure seal rings rotate on the
bearing retainer and that rings are properly
b. Remove output shaft and cap, while
hooked together at ends.
holding output gear inside gear box. It
may be necessary to tap the output shaft
6. When installing the forward and reverse drive
from inside the clutch housing to facilitate
shafts and gears, check to make sure that the
snap rings holding the gears on the shafts are
properly installed and seated.
c. Remove output gear.
7. Care should be exercised when installing the
11. Remove sump screen by removi ng sump screen
converter housing on the turbine shaft of the
plug (Fig. 1-8). Remove screen and spring
drum, so that misalignment does not occur
through plug hole.
during reassembly. Make sure that the snap
ring holding the converter housing to the turbine
shaft is properly seated.
Wash all parts, except oil seals, with suitable solvent.
8. When Installing the converter housing and drum
Blow out passages in housings with compressed air.
(as a unit) into transmission housing, care
should be exercised so: as not to damage the
for wear or damage. Inspect sump screen for clogged or
collector rings fitting into the drum. Damage to
damaged screen. Install new replacement gaskets.
these rings will cause the reverse piston and
drum to be inoperative.
Thoroughly clean the intake screen.
9. Use new gasket when replacing control valve.
in addition to soaking and washing,
Use new gaskets whenever old gaskets have
air streams should be directed from
been removed.
the inside toward the outside to
remove material clogged in the
10. Connect tube assembly to valve and converter
To reassemble the transmission, reverse the
1. Attach lift chain and chain hoist to transmission
disassembly procedure and take note of the following
assembly and maneuver transmission into
precautionary measures:
position for installation.
1. Make certain spring is in place when
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