![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
shaft. Using a rawhide hammer, tap shaft at the
clutch end and while holding forward gear, pull
shaft from the gear box.
8. Remove reverse gear and sha ft:
a. Remove inner snap ring from the splined
section of the reverse shaft.
b. Mark relationship of bearing retainer and
housing to ensure correct installation.
c. Remove capscrews that secure the
bearing retainer to the housing and
remove the retainer. If seal rings have to
be replaced, unhook at ring opening and
Figure 1-8. Removing Reverse Gear and Shaft
d. Remove the shaft while holding
9. Remove idler gear and shaft:
reverse gear in the gear box.
a. Remove capscrews holding idler gear
e. The bearings on both the forward and
shaft and cap to housing and remove cap
reverse drive shafts can be removed by
and shaft. Note position of retaining pin
removing the snap rings and pressing the
holding shaft in cap to ensure proper
bearings from the shafts.
b. Remove idler gear.
Mark gears and shafts so that they
can be installed in their original
10. Remove output gear and shaft:
Figure 1-7. Removing Forward Gear and Shaft
Figure 1-9. Removing Idler Gear and Shaft
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