![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
producing additional torque multiplication. When the
the oil on the end of the pressure regulator valve
output torque becomes high enough, the turbine starts to
overcomes the spring force and moves the regulator
turn and the truck will move. As the turbine speeds up
valve to a position where main line oil is fed to converter
and its speed approaches the impeller speed, there is no
circuits. Feeding mainline oil into the converter circuit
longer any reaction on the stator and it starts to turn with
lowers line pressure and permits the spring force to
the turbine. At this point the unit becomes a fluid
balance the force from the oil on the end of the regulator
coupling since there is no longer any torque
valve, thus regulating line pressure.
Oil from the
regulator valve is fed through an external tube to bypass
converter feed orifice to provide greater oil flow through
converter and cooler circuit.
The transmission hydraulic system consists of the torque
Inching Valve
converter, a hydraulic pump, the control valve and the
The inching valve, when the inching valve plunger is in,
clutch pack.
will regulate the clutch maximum pressure, determined
by the spring or springs used in this location.
Control Valve
Depressing the inching pedal permits the plunger to
The control valve is mounted on the transmission
move away from the spring, decreasing spring's effect
housing and forms the top closure of the gear case.
on the inching valve to lower clutch pressure. Clutch
Machined porting plates are attached to the bottom of
pressure can be varied from 0 to maximum pressure
the valve to eliminate external piping. Passages in the
obtainable from the spring combination in the valve body
plates align with passages drilled or cast into the
assembly. Clutch pressure regulated by the inching
transmission housing.
valve is less than the pressure regulated by the regulator
valve. Pressure recommendations for your particular
Clutch Pack
model should be obtained from the equipment
The clutch pack consists of a drum, a forward and a
are engaged by oil pressure applied behind the clutch
Clutch Supply Valve
pistons, which causes engagement within the drum.
Line pressure on the end of clutch supply valve moves
valve against spring force and permits oil to feed from
Oil Pump
the inching valve to manual valve. The high and low
The gear type oil pump provides hydraulic pressure for
gear cam operated valve can exhaust oil from the end of
the converter and clutch pack. It is directly driven from
the clutch supply valve faster than it can be replaced
the input side of the converter. Since the converter is
through the feed orifice. Therefore, the spring force
mounted on the flywheel, the pump is in operation
returns the valve to the blocking position. in the blocking
whenever the engine is running. This means that there
position, neither clutch can be fed and both clutches are
is hydraulic pressure even with the engine idling.
exhausted at the clutch supply valve, thus causing a
neutral condition to exist in the transmission.
Hydraulic oil enters the pump through the intake screen
and case passages. Oil leaving the pump is directed
through case and adapter passages to all open valve
Latest Allis-Chalmers models have
body passages and through an orifice to convertor. The
eliminated the seat dump valve in
orifice acts to drop pressure of the oil entering the
favor of a mechanical system which
converter. Oil leaving the converter is fed through cooler
returns the selector valve to neutral.
and cooler bypass valve. The bypass valve remains
As a result of this the external control
closed unless the pressure exceeds the valve opening
passage of the clutch supply valve is
limits. Oil returning From the cooler is directed to clutch
plugged and there is no way to bleed
cooling and lube circuit.
pressure from the pilot section of the
The valve will shift into
Pressure Regulator Valve
operating position when the engine
starts, and will stay in that position
Oil from the pump, after filling all open circuits, begins
as long as the engine is running. The
increasing in pressure and continues to increase until
valve no longer provides a useful
the force from
function and is retained as part of the
control valve for purposes of
standardization with the two speed
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