![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
The distributor cap should be removal at regular
intervals to examine the contact points, the rotor and
The distributor is mounted on the cylinder head and is
cap. (Dust cover, located under cap, must be removed
driven off the engine lubricating oil pump extension at
before contact points can be inspected.)
one-half the engine crankshaft speed.
Check the high tension wiring for defective insulation
The distributor consists of a cast housing into which a
and poor connections at the distributor cap and spark
shaft and weight base are fitted in a bronze bushing.
plugs. Wipe the distributor cap and check the cap and
Centrifugal advance weights are pivoted on studs in the
rotor for cracks or carbon tracks indicating leakage of
weight base and are free to move against the calibrated
nigh voltage current across the surface.
weight springs which connect them to the advance cam
and breaker cam assembly. The advance cam and
Check the centrifugal advance mechanism by turning the
breaker cam assembly is slit-fitted to the too of the shaft
breaker cam in the direction of rotation and then
and rotates with the shaft, being actuated by the
releasing it The advance springs should return the cam
advance weights. Lateral movement of the weights
to its original position without sticking.
advances the cam assembly in relation to the shaft as
the speed is increased. The greater the engine speed,
Inspect the contact points. If points are badly pitted or
the farther out the distributor weights move, which
burned, they must be replaced as follows:
increases the shift in the breaker cam position and in
turn, advances the spark.
1. After distributor cap, rotor and dust cover have
been removed from distributor housing, remove
When the cam breaker is rotated by the centrifugal
the nut and washer from the inner end of the
advance mechanism, each cam lobe passes under the
primary terminal.
breaker lever rubbing block, separating the contact
points and producing a nigh voltage surge in the ignition
2. Remove the slotted head slotted head locking
circuit. With every breaker cam revolution, one spark
screw attaching the contact support to the
will be produced for each engine cylinder. Since each
distributor breaker plate, and remove the contact
cylinder fires every other revolution in a four stroke cycle
points. If condenser is to be replaced, remove
engine, the distributor is required to rotate at only one
screw attaching condenser to breaker plate and
half the engine crankshaft speed to furnish ignition.
remove and discard condenser.
Built-in distributor lubrication is mace possible with the
3. Install the replacement condenser. Apply a light
use of a porous Pushing, which extends from the upper
coat of high quality silicone grease to breaker
to the lower part o the housing. A well is provided which
Install the new contact support with
is kept filled with oil. Seepage through the porous
breaker lever over the pivot post. Install the
bushing provides shaft lubrication.
slotted head locking screw which attaches
contact support to breaker plate but do not fully
A dust cover located under the distributor cap completely
tighten screw as yet. Connect the primary lead
seals off the breaker compartment from dust or dirt.
to breaker plate.
The high tension terminals on the ignition coil and the
distributor cap are covered with tight fitting neoprene
Make certain proper installation is
nipples to prevent moisture and dust accumulation,
made and all connections are tight.
thereby preventing a conductive path to ground which
would cause the engine to misfire.
4. Rotate crankshaft until the breaker lever rubbing
block is on a high spot on the cam, thus opening the
contact points to their maximum open position. Insert a
screwdriver into the adjusting slot (Fig. 5-1) and turn
clockwise or counterclockwise until the specified point
gap of .020" is obtained. Lock points in this position by
specific distributor characteristics
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