![]() TM 10-3930-644-14 & P
(3) Reconnect battery ground cable.
check good, but an obvious overcharge
(4) Connect a carbon pile across the
excessive battery water usage, proceed
as follows:
(5) Operate engine at moderate speed
(1) Separate end frames as indicated in
as required, and adjust carbon pile
as required, to obtain maximum
current output.
(2) Check field winding for shorts. See
(6) If ampere output is within 10
Figure 2-5. If shorted replace rotor
amperes of rated output as stamped
and regulator.
on alternator frame, alternator is not
defective; recheck Steps a. through
(7) If ampere output is not within 10
amperes of rated output, ground the
field winding by Inserting a
screwdriver into the test hole.
Tab in the alternator test hole is
within .750" of casting surface. Do
not force screwdriver deeper than
one inch into end frame.
(8) Operate engine at moder ate speed,
as required, and adjust carbon pile
as required to obtain maximum
current output.
Figure 2-5. Checking Rotor Field Winding
(9) If output is within 10 amperes of
rated output, replace regulator as
(3) Check field winding for grounds. If
covered in Alternator Repair section,
grounded replace only the rotor.
and check field winding.
(4) Connect ohmmeter, using lowest
(10) If output is not within 10 amperes of
range scale, from brush lead clip to
rated output, check the field
end frame as shown in Step 1,
winding, diode trio, rectifier bridge,
Figure 2-6, then reverse lead
and stator as covered in Alternator
Repair section.
(5) If both readings are zero, either the
(11) Remove ammeter from alternator
brush lead clip is grounded or
regulator is defective.
2. Overcharged Battery
(6) A grounded brush lead clip can
a. To determine battery condition, check
result from omission of insulating
battery as Indicated in Battery Service
washer (Figure 2-6), omission of
insulating sleeve over screw, or
damaged insulating sleeve over
b. Connect a voltmeter from alternator No. 2
screw, or damaged insulating
terminal to ground. If reading is zero, No.
sleeve. Remove screw to inspect
2 lead circuit is open.
If satisfactory, replace
regulator as indicated in Alternator
c. If battery and No. 2 lead circuit
Repair section.
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