![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
n. Inspect all parts and replace any that are
c. Insert choke shaft or choke shaft and
damaged or worn. Replace throttle shaft if
lever, as the case may be, into the air
shaft is bent or if shaft shows evidence of
intake and install choke plate in same
wear on the bearing surfaces. Replace
position in air intake with poppet valve
throttle shaft bushings if a new shaft has
facing the same way as it was before
more than .005" side play. Always use
the correct Allis-Chalmers Repair Kit. For
correct Repair Kit, refer to Parts Manual.
d. Align holes in plate with holes in shaft and
Follow procedure outlined below for
install choke plate screws, leaving screws
Removal and Replacement of Throttle
loose. Close choke for best closing and
Shaft Bushings.
then tighten screws, using a small
e. Install choke shaft hole plug or install
1. Removal and Replacement of Throttle Shaft
choke lever with taper pin if carburetor
includes lever.
f. Place choke bracket in position on air
intake with bracket aligned to scribe marks
Do knot remove throttle shaft
and attach bracket with screws and
bushings unless new shaft bushings
are available along with Bushing
Driver and Line Reamer.
g. Place choke lever on choke shaft, close
a. To remove throttle shaft bushing, screw a
choke and position lever to align with
3/8" taper tap into bushing at one end of
scribe marks. Then assemble choke shaft
throttle shaft bore until firmly seated in
nut and lockwasher and securely tighten
bushing. Then insert long punch or rod in
opposite shaft hole and drive punch
against end of tap until bushing is free of
h. Attach choke lever spring to choke bracket
throttle body. Remove bushing from tap.
and to choke lever.
b. Repeat above operation to
i. Install main discharge jet and fiber washer
bushing from opposite shaft hole.
in fuel bowl and tighten jet firmly.
c. To install throttle shaft bushing, place new
j. Install well vent jet in fuel bowl and
throttle shaft bushing on bushing driver
tighten, using a small screwdriver.
with taper end of bushing away from
shoulder of driver. Start bushing into shaft
k. Place Fiber washer on main jet and install
hole and drive bushing in until bottomed,
Jet in threaded opening at side of fuel
using a light hammer.
d. Repeat this operation to install bushing in
I. Install main jet adjustment and fiber
opposite shaft hole.
washer or main passage plug, as the case
may be, in threaded passage at side of
e. Line ream the two shaft bushings, using
fuel bowl.
line reamer.
3. Assembly of Throttle Body
2. Assembly of Fuel Bowl Body
a. Insert packing in open side of packing
a. Insert packing in open side of packing
retainer and place assembly on bushing
retainer and place assembly on bushing
driver with packing facing small end of
driver with packing facing small end of
b. After inserting small end of driver into
b. Insert small end of driver into choke shaft
throttle shaft hole, start retainer into
hole; start retainer into counterbore in
counterbore in throttle body until flush with
body and lightly drive retainer into body
machined surface or slightly below surface
until flush with machined surface.
to avoid striking throttle lever.
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