![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
c. Remove fuel valve seat and its fiber
d. Remove main discharge jet and its fiber
washer from center of large opening in
machined surface of fuel bowl.
d. Remove idle Jet from machined surface of
throttle body.
e. Remove well vent jet from center of large
opening in machined surface of fuel bowl.
e. Remove idle adjusting needle and its
friction spring from side of throttle body.
f. Scribe across air intake section, choke
bracket and choke lever as a guide to
f. Unscrew throttle stop screw until threaded
correct reassembly of parts, then remove
end of screw is flush with throttle lever.
choke lever spring from choke lever and
choke bracket.
g. Close throttle and scribe across throttle
body and throttle levers as a guide to
g. Remove choke shaft nut and its lock
correct reassembly of parts.
washer then remove choke lever.
h. File off riveted or peened end of throttle
h. Remove choke bracket screws and
plate screws, being careful not to damage
lockwashers and remove choke bracket.
throttle plate or throttle body bore.
i. Remove choke shaft hole plug from
i. Remove throttle plate screws and throttle
opposite side of air intake.
plate; then remove throttle shaft and lever
j. Remove choke plate screws, choke plate
and choke shaft from air intake section.
j. To remove throttle shaft packing and
packing retainer from throttle shaft hole,
k. To remove choke shaft packing and
screw a 5/16" fine thread taper tap into
packing retainer from choke shaft holes,
packing retainer until firmly seated. Insert
screw a 5/16" fine thread taper into
long punch or rod in opposite shaft hole
packing retainer until firmly seated. Then
and drive punch against end of tap until
insert long punch against end of tap until
retainer is free of throttle body. Remove
retainer is free of air intake body. Remove
tap and repeat operation for removal of
tap from retainer.
packing and retainer from opposite shaft
l Remove choke lever, taper pin and then
remove lever.
Do not disassemble throttle plate,
Do not disassemble choke assembly
assembly, throttle packings and
bracket, choke levers, shaft and
packing retainers from throttle body
choke plate unless there is damage
unless throttle shaft is bent or
to any of above parts or damage to
otherwise damaged or unless there is
any of the other component parts of
damage or visible wear to other
the assembly.
components of throttle assembly. Do
m. Thoroughly clean all metal parts in Bendix
not remove throttle shaft bushings
Metalclene or Speedclene (or equivalent)
and rinse in solvent.
Blow out all
replacement is necessary.
passages and channels in the castings
removal and replacement of throttle
with compressed air. Reverse the air flow
shaft bushings refer to Replacement
through each passage to insure the
of Bushings and Reassembly.
removal of all dirt particles.
3. Disassembly of Fuel Bowl Body
a. Remove main jet adjustment assembly
and fiber washer, using a 1/2" wrench.
b. Remove hex drain plug from bottom of
fuel bowl.
c. Remove main jet and its fiber washer.
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