![]() TM 10-3930-644-14&P
to the most heat and the least lubrication.
2. Checking Ring-to-Land Clearance
Piston ring side clearance must always be checked
when fitting rings to pistons which have been in
service (Figure 8-3). The object of the check is to
soot any pistons in which the ring grooves may have
worn excessively wide. A piston in this condition
must be replaced.
Figure 8-4. Removing or Installing Piston Rings
Using suitable tool remove piston pin retainer ring at
each end of piston pin.
Using a driving tool, drive piston pin from piston. Use a
wood block or brass drift as a driver (Figure 8-5). In
Figure 8-3. Checking Land-to-Ring Clearance
some instances it may not be necessary to drive piston
To check the side clearance, select a feeler gauge of
pin from piston. Specified clearance between piston and
pin at room temperature is .0002" to .0004" loose.
the maximum clearance specified. With the ring in
place, insert the feeler if possible between the ring
land and the ring held well back in the groove. If the
feeler slides in at any point, it indicates the clearance
is at or over allowable maximum. A snug fit of the
feeler suggests further consideration as to whether
the piston warrants reinstallation since the groove
wear may be at the top limit.
On all pistons passing the above check, make an
inspection for minimum clearance with a feeler gauge
of the specified minimum thickness. This feeler
should slide freely all around the groove as the piston
and ring are rotated.
Figure 8-5. Removing Piston Pin from Piston
To avoid breaking piston rings, the use of a ring remover
A pin that is loose enough to drop through the piston by
and installer is recommended (Figure 8-4). Care must
its own weight is considered too loose. From a service
be taken not to overstress piston rings by spreading
standpoint, a fit of this kind, if not due to severely worn
ends more than is necessary to remove them from
parts, will cause an engine to be somewhat noisy but will
piston. Before removing rings, inspect for wear and side
not necessarily impair performance or reduce engine life.
clearance in grooves.
However, removal will be
If oversize pins are installed, do not forget to check the
necessary in order to clean carbon from grooves.
fit of the pin in the connecting rod bushing since the new
pin will be too snug in a standard rod.
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