![]() TM 10-3930-634.34
5 - 6 . General
they are released. Remove thrust washers (29), spacers
This section contains information on the maintenance
(30), pinion rollers (32) and pinions (33) from carrier.
(7) Straighten tangs on nut lock (36) and remove
of the front and rear axle assemblies and differential
lockout. Maintenance procedures for the front and
two spindle nuts (35) and lock (36) to remove internal
rear axle assemblies are almost identical.
gear (39), hub (40) as an assembly. Remove lock wire
(37), eight screws (38) to separate gear (39) from hub
5-7. Axle Assemblies
(8) Remove drum (53) and hub (56) as an assembly
by supporting the assembly with a chain hoist and re-
axle assemblies.
move it from the axle. Remove five studs (41), and ten
b. Disassembly.
wheel studs (44) and nuts (43) from hub (56).
(1) Refer to figure 5-5 and disassemble the axle
(9) Remove lock wire (50), twelve screws (51) and
assemblies in numerical sequence.
washers (52) to separate brake drum (53) from hub
Before disassembly of the axle, remove the
plug (18) and drain oil from the hub assembly
(10) Remove oil slinger (47), seal spacer (46) and
(56); also remove the plug (158) and drain the
seal (48) from hub and remove bearing cones (45 and
oil from the axle housing.
49) and cups (54 and 55) from hub.
(11) Remove 16 screws (57) and eight lock clips
(2) Remove four screws (1) and washers (2) to re-
move plate (3) and bearings (4, 9) and thrust washer
(58) to remove brake assembly (62) from spindle (60)
(5). Remove mounting hardware (6, 7, 10 through 13)
and steering support. Remove brake fitting (61).
and remove axle trunnions (8, 14).
(12) Pull spindle (60) off axle shaft and remove
(3) Remove ten wheel nuts (42) and remove wheel
seal (63) and bushing (59) from spindle (60).
and tire.
(13) Remove steering trunnions (69 and 71), lubri-
(4) Remove two plugs (17), six screws (15) and
cation fitting (70) and shims (72 and 80) from steering
lockwashers (16) and remove the sun gear thrust cap
support (83).
[19) and packing (20).
(14) Pull axle shaft (64) from steering support and
axle housing.
(5) Remove five stud nuts (22), lockwashers (24)
(15) Remove ten nuts (88) and lockwashers (89)
and dowels (25), and five screws (23) and lockwashers
(24). Remove planetary carrier (34) and sun gear (21).
and remove outer end housing (90) and steering sup-
port (83) as an assembly.
(6) Press each of three pinion shafts (28) from
(16) Remove twelve screws (78) and lockwashers
planetary carrier (34), taking care to catch balls (31) as
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