![]() TM 10-3930-634-34
(6) If the engine has been in service, it may be
necessary to exert considerable effort to remove the
a. General. The cylinder liners are of the replaceable
liner with liner remover tool as follows:
wet type made of hardened alloy cast iron, and are a
(a) Slip the lower puller clamp up the puller rod
slip fit in the cylinder block. They are inserted in the
and off its tapered seat. Cock the clamp so it will slide
cylinder bores from the top of the cylinder block. The
through the liner. The clamp will drop back onto its
flange of each liner rests on a counterbore in the top of
seat in a horizontal position after it clears the bottom
the block.
of the liner.
b. Removal.
(b) Slide the upper puller clamp down against
(1) Remove engine (para 2-5).
the top edge of the liner (fig. 3-141).
(2) Remove cylinder head (para 3-25).
(3) Remove oil pan (para 3-26).
(c) With the tool in place, strike the upset head
(4) Remove pistons and connecting rods (para
on the upper end of the puller rod a sharp blow with
puller weight, thus releasing the liner. Remove the
(5) Remove cylinder liner (fig. 3-141).
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