![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
trols the action of rear-wheel steering by hydraulic
Do not operate the forklift truck with cockpit
compartment doors open.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-35 and remove tie rods
and tie rod ends as follows:
(1) Remove cotter pin and nut from each end of the
tie rod and remove tie rod and tie rod ends as an assem-
(2) Remove two nuts and screws to remove tie rod
end from each end of tie rod.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean tie rods and tie rod ends with an ap-
proved cleaning solvent.
(2) Inspect the tie rods and tie rod ends for cracks,
bends and breaks. Inspect the pins for proper fit. In-
spect nuts for stripped threads and proper fit. Replace
all defective parts.
c. Installation.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 4-36 and remove steer-
(1) Attach two tie rod ends to each tie rod, using
ing wheel.
two screws and nuts at each end.
b. Inspection. Inspect steering wheel post for cracks,
(2) Attach tie rod assembly to the forklift truck
breaks and freedom of movement. Check steering
using a slotted nut and cotter pin at each end. Adjust to
wheel for breaks. Replace a defective steering wheel.
straight ahead, no toe in.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-36 and install steer-
ing wheel.
After installation, lubricate in ac-
Torque steering wheel retaining nut to
cordance with current lubrication
35 foot pounds, and stake.
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