![]() TM 10-3930-634-12
(a) The primary filter element can be
cleaned by either reverse flushing with com-
pressed air or by washing in water. Compressed
air is recommended when the element is to be
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
reused immediately. An element that has been
clean parts is potentially dangerous to
washed in water should be dried thoroughly be-
personnel and property. Do not use near
fore reuse. Water is a better cleaning agent and
open flame or excessive heat. Flash point
should be used when soot or oil has plugged the
of solvent is 100 F. -138 F.
element. The filter element should be replaced af-
ter six cleanings or annually, whichever occurs
a. Cleaning. Remove left engine side panel for
first. The safety filter element must be replaced
access to oil filler pipe and cap. Clean pipe and
at every third primary element service.
cap (fig. 4-4) with an approved cleaning solvent.
place defective or damaged seal. Inspect filler
The safety filter element should not be
pipe for cracks.
cleaned and reused.
(b) When using compressed air, direct the
air from the element to the outside, being careful
If NBC exposure is suspected, all air fil-
ter media should be handled by personnel
not to rupture the element. Be sure that the O-
ring is properly sealed and that no leaks exist. Be
wearing protective equipment. Consult
sure that the filter restriction indicator reads in
your unit NBC Officer or NBC NCO for
green with the engine running.
appropriate handling or disposal instruc-
(c) When using water to clean the element,
soak in a detergent and water for an least 15 min-
utes. Rinse with a hose until water runs clean.
The maximum allowable water pressure is 40 psi.
a. Inspection. Unhook three latches and remove
the cup. Remove the elements and inspect for ex-
(d) Allow the element to dry thoroughly
cessive accumulation of dirt. Remove the cup
before using. Do not use compressed air or light
dust trap and inspect for excessive accumulation
bulbs to dry a wet element.
of dust. Check air filter restriction indicator for
normal reading.
(3) Inspection.
(a) Inspect the filter element by placing a
bright light inside and rotating the element
slowly. If any rupture or holes are discovered, re-
c. General. When the air cleaner restriction in-
place element.
dicator is red, servicing of the primary filter is re-
(b) Inspect the air cleaner body, inlet stack
and rain cap for damage. Replace defective parts.
(1) Removal. Remove the air cleaner filter ele-
(4) Installation. Refer to figure 3-1 and rein-
ment as shown in figure 3-1.
stall the air cleaner filter elements. Reset the re-
striction indication to green.
(2) Cleaning.
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