![]() TM 10-3930-632-12
4-61. Tie Rods
axle against right turn stop. Adjust the length of the
drag link by rotating the socket on the adjustable end of
the drag link so that the drag link can be installed
Figure 4-43 deleted.
without moving either the wheel setting or the steering
To adjust the tie rods, raise the
gear setting. Insure that one ball seat is placed on each
steering wheels from the floor. Disconnect the drag link.
side of the ball stud.
(3) Place the wheels in a straight-ahead
(4) When installing the adjusting plugs, do
position, so that they will track with the drive wheels.
not overtighten, since this will cause binding between
Install the tie rods between the steering knuckles and
the ball seats and the ball studs. Tighten the adjusting
the steer axle spider.
plugs only to 20 foot-pounds, then back off to nearest
(4) Adjust the tie rods so that both rods are
cotter pin hole. Install cotter pins.
exactly the same length and both steer wheels are
(5) Use a grease gun and lubricate the
tracking straight ahead, without toe-in or toe-out. To
drag link sockets as outlined in the lubrication order.
adjust the tie rod length, rotate the tie rod in the required
(6) Check the steering mechanism after
direction. The tie rod ends have one right-hand thread
lubricating to insure that it operates freely without
and one left-hand thread so that rotation of the rod in
one direction will lengthen the rod while rotation in the
opposite direction will shorten the rod.
After the correct adjustment is
achieved, tighten the lock-nuts against the tie rod to
prevent the tie rod ends from turning.
(6) Adjust and install the drag link as
directed in paragraph 4.60.
Change 2 4-59
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