![]() TM 10-3930-632-12
Figure 4-8. Tilt Cylinder, Disassembly and Reassembly
d. Reassembly.
(2) Do not disassemble the tilt cylinder
farther than necessary for repair.
(1) Reassemble the tilt cylinder as shown
in figure 4-8.
e. Installation.
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and
flammable. Wear protective goggles and
(1) Install the tilt cylinder as shown in
gloves and use only in a well ventilated
area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and
(2) With the engine at fast idle, operate
clothes and don't breath vapors. Do not use
the tilt lever until mast is tilted fully to the rear.
near open flame or excessive heat. The
(3) Check degree of rear tilt; this should
flash point is 100F - 138F. (38 C - 59
not exceed 10 . If degree of tilt is not 10 , reposition
C). If you become dizzy while using
front rod end to obtain 10back tilt.
cleaning solvent, get fresh air immediately
(4) Visually check to see that both sides of
and get medical aid. If contact with eyes is
mast move back and forth the same distance.
made, wash your eyes with water and get
(5) Install cotter pin in front cylinder pin
medical aid immediately.
that secures cylinder to upright.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(6) Lubricate the tilt cylinder pins.
(7) Install the floor plates.
(1) Clean the parts of the tilt cylinder with
dry cleaning solvent P.D-680. Coat parts with hydraulic
4-26. Hydraulic Lift Chain
fluid after cleaning.
a. Removal. Remove the lift chain as shown in
Carefully inspect all parts for
serviceability. Replace damaged or worn parts.
Change 2 4-23
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