![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
(2) Remove nuts (8), lock washers (9) and
(5) Install bracket (29) on base and install
washers (10) and disconnect cables, reed switch (50)
capacitors (28) in bracket. Secure capacitors with
and diodes (23) from block. Remove diodes from diode
bracket (27). Install studs (26). Secure brackets with nuts
block. Remove studs (22).
(24) and lock washers (25).
(3) Remove nuts (24) and lock washers (25)
(6) Install bus bars (6 and 7) on contactors
and remove brackets (27 and 29), capacitors (28) and
and connect cables to bus bars. Secure bus bars and
studs (26).
cables to capacitors with screws (4) and lock washers
(4) Remove screws (30 and 31) and lock
washers (32) and disconnect wiring harness (33).
(7) Install diodes (23) in block on base as-
(5) Remove nuts (34 and 37) and washers (35
sembly. Install bus bar (51), reed switch (50) and cables
and 36) and remove control circuit module (39) from
on studs (22) and secure with nuts (8), lock washers (9)
base (54). Remove studs (38).
and washers (10). Connect diode leads to studs.
(6) Remove screws (40 and 43) and lock
(8) Install wiring harness (33) on static panel
washers (41) and remove bus bars (42 and 44) from
and secure with screws (30 and 31) and lock washers
power switch (48) and drive regulator modules (49).
(32). Connect reed switch plug to plug on wiring harness.
Remove screws (57) and remove bus bars (45 and 46)
Connect tagged wires to bus bars and modules.
from modules.
(9) Perform tests listed in paragraphs 9-7, 9-8,
(7) Remove screws (55) and washers (56) and
9-9, 9-16 and 9-20 to check static panel. Replace any
remove three power switch modules (48) and drive
components that do not check out.
Installation. Refer to paragraph 2-16 and install
regulator modules (49) from base.
(8) Remove positive temperature coefficient
static panel. Operate truck and check operation.
resistor (47) from base assembly (54).
9-29. Battery Receptacle
(9) Remove bus bar (51) and blocks (52 and 53)
See TM 10-
from base (54).
d. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(1) Wipe all parts with a clean, dry lint-free cloth.
(2) Inspect all parts for damage. Replace
damaged parts.
(3) Replace all parts found to be defective in
tests performed in paragraphs 9-7, 9-8, 9-9, 9-16 and 9-
(4) Inspect wiring harness, cables and electrical
leads for fraying, damaged terminals and cracked wires.
Repair or replace harness, cables, or electrical leads if
e. Assembly.
(1) Install blocks (52 and 53, fig. 9-25) on
base assembly (54). Secure blocks with screws (17),
lock washers (18) and washers (19). Install positive
temperature coefficient resistor (47) in base assembly
(2) Install three power switch modules (48) and
drive regulator modules (49) and secure with screws (55)
and washers (56).
(3) Install bus bars (45 and 46) between
modules and secure with screws (57). Install bus bars
(42 and 44) and secure with screws (40 and 43) and
washers (41).
(4) Install control circuit module (39) on base
and install studs (38) through control circuit module and
base. Secure module with nuts (34 and 37) and washers
(35 and 36).
Pages 9-42 and 9-43 rescinded.
Change 1 9-41/(9-42 Blank)
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