![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
h. Check the seat switch to assure that it closes
when the seat is depressed.
Make certain capacitors are discharged before
i. Inspect all contactors to assure that there is no
beginning the following tests.
interference to operation and that the units
a. Set multimeter on low ohms scale. Connect
satisfactory overtravel. The microswitches on the
one lead from meter to frame of lift truck at location
contactors should operate when the normally open
where paint will not insulate the frame. Touch other lead
contacts close.
to another good ground point on frame to assure that
j. Inspect contactor tips for wear. If the contacts
proper ground connection has been obtained. Meter
are worn to the point where copper is showing through
readings should be zero. If zero reading is not obtained,
in the contact area, replace the contactor tips (TM 10-
check calibration of meter by connecting the two leads
k. Clean all electrical components and elec- trical
b. With the key switch in the ON position, and
component compartments with an industrial type vacuum
multimeter set on high ohms scale, connect one lead of
cleaner. Remove all foreign material or objects from all
the meter to a good ground on the frame. Touch the
second lead of the meter first to one pole and then to
I. Use a volt-ohm-milliometer (VOM) with a 20,000
the other pole of the battery receptacle that is mounted
ohms-per volt direct current sensitivity and 6,000 ohms
on the left side of the lift truck frame. Resistance
per-volt alternating current sensitivity.
readings must be greater than 50,000 ohms.
m. A jumper wire, approximately 18 inches (456.2
mm) long with alligator clips on each end should be
This is the receptacle (fig.
9-5) that is
permanently mounted on the lift truck, not the
9-6. Ground Test
connector on the cables from the battery.
Figure 9-5. Battery Cables and Receptacle.
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