![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
(5) Inspect mast bearings for wear and damage.
shims (42 and 43) as were removed in disassembly.
Replace unserviceable bearings.
Secure upper bearing stud (45) on outer mast with screw
(6) Inspect interlock spring for cracks and
(44). Torque screw to 245 pound-feet (18.1 m-kg).
damage. Spring should be 5.9375 inches (23.812 mm)
Adjust bearings as follows:
long between hooks. Replace unserviceable springs.
(7) Inspect bearings in outer mast ears for wear
Whenever stud is replaced, install new screw (44) and
and damage. Press out old bearings and install new
apply proper torque.
bearings if bearings are worn or damaged.
(a) Use a spanning tool (fig. 7-22) and check
d. Assembly.
inside width of mast channels of all masts. Check entire
(1) Install bearing (28, fig. 7-11) and washers
length of mast to locate narrowest distance between
(27) in crosshead and secure with setscrew (25).
uprights. Lock inside -spanning tool at this distance.
(2) Install bearings (41) and same amount of
Figure 7-22. Mast bearing adjustment.
(b) Set distance between ends of outside
install extra shim on same side of all mast sections and
spanning tool with inside spanning tool.
carriage so mast will be balanced.
(c) Place inside spanning tool between ends of
(e) Repeat steps above to adjust all bearings on
outside spanning tool and lock tool. Measure distance
inner and intermediate masts.
between ends. Add or delete shims (42 and 43, fig. 7-
(3) Install guard (3) on intermediate mast and
11) to obtain a maximum of 0.015 inch (0.38 mm)
secure with screw (1) and lock washer (2).
between bearings and outside spanning tool. Divide
(4) Install interlock lever (10) on inner mast and
shims equally between bearings.
secure with screw (8) and spacer (9). Install adjusting
(d) If odd number of shims is required,
screws (7) and attach spring (6) to screws.
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