![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
e. Installation.
and install hose reel, swivel block and side shift hoses.
(7) Before installing carriage check bearing
(1) Use a suitable hoist and install outer mast
clearance for carriage bearings in inner mast as
(50, fig. 7-11) on truck. Install mast mounting pins and
described in d. (2) above. Clearance should be A 0.015
secure with washers and cotter pins.
inches (0.38 mm) between bearings and inside channels
(2) Connect tilt cylinders to outer mast and
of inner mast.
secure with pins and cotter pins (TM10-3930-631- 12).
f. Adjustment Check.
(3) Lift intermediate mast (48) with hoist and
(1) Operate truck and raise and lower mast and
lower mast into outer mast channels.
carriage several times.
Check for free movement
(4) Lift inner mast (46) and install mast into
throughout entire range of travel.
intermediate mast channels.
(2) Adjust bearings and shims, if necessary, on
(5) Refer to paragraph 7-7 and install hoist
masts and carriage (e. (2) above) to provide free
(6) Refer to paragraph 7-11 and TM 10-3930-
steering hydraulic system also receives oil from the
7-16. Description
a. The hydraulic system (fig. 7-1) is connected
7-17. Hydraulic Hoses and Tubes
together by hydraulic tubes and hoses. Oil is filtered
a. Removal. Refer to figure 7-23 and disconnect
through a full flow filter before returning to the reservoir.
b. A reservoir stores the oil and is connected to the
hoses and remove hydraulic system components as
necessary to service or replace items.
hydraulic pump by a suction hose. The
Change 1 7-33
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