![]() TM 10-3930-631-34
KEY to fig. 3-8:
1. Screw
(1) Install spindle (14, fig. 3-5) in axle
2. Lock washer
housing and install lock nut (13) on spindle.
3. Washer
(2) Tighten lock nut until spindle is com-
4. Terminal relay
pletely seated in axle.
5. Screw
(3) Install dust shield, grease seal and drive
6. Lock washer
wheel (TM10-3920-631-12).
7. Pin
3-10. Differential Assembly
8. Bonding strap
a. Removal.
9. Gasket
(1) Remove drive wheel (TM 10-3930-631-
10. Nut
11. Lock washer
(2) Remove axle shaft (para 3-8) far enough
12. Stud
to clear differential.
Drain lubricant from axle
13. Stud
14. Stud
(3) If not raised sufficiently, use a hoist and
15. Gasket
raise front end of truck enough to provide clearance
16. Bearing nut
for drive motor. Block truck securely. Place a
17. Tab washer
suitable jack under drive motor to support motor.
18. Washer
(4) Refer to paragraph 2-10 and disconnect
19. Bearing cone
wires and parking brake linkage from drive motor.
20. Bearing cup
(5) Remove nuts (10, fig. 3-8) and lock
21. Lock wire
washers (11) securing differential carrier and drive
22. Screw
motor to drive axle. Remove motor and differential
23. Ring gear and pinion
carrier from axle. Remove gasket (15).
24. Pin
25. Shims
26. Bearing cone
27. Bearing cup
28. Screw
29. Lock washer
30. Lock
31. Adjusting nut
32. Bearing cup
33. Bearing cone
34. Lock wire
35. Screw
36. Bearing cap
37. Differential carrier
38. Differential
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