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TM 10-3930-631-34
(5) Remove two nuts (3), lock washers and
(11)Attach a hoist securely to the front of the
screws. Remove bearing housing (4). Slide axle to rear
truck frame and raise the truck carefully. Make certain
and remove axle from truck.
all lines and hoses remain clear of motor and drive unit.
b. Installation.
(12)Raise the truck enough to allow the motor
and drive unit to be removed from under the truck.
(1) Lift axle into position, with front shaft of axle
Carefully pull the assembly out from under the truck.
and bearing in frame.  Push entire axle against rear
b. Installation.
(1) Raise the truck with a suitable hoist and roll
(2) Install bearing housing (4, fig.  2-1) and
the drive unit into place under the truck.
secure with nuts, lock washers and screws (3). Tighten
(2) Using a suitable jack, raise the drive unit into
nuts only enough to hold axle in position.
position and lower the truck to mate mounting holes in
(3) Tighten adjusting screw (2) on front spacer
frame with holes in axle supports.
to a torque of 10 to 15 pound feet (13. 8 - 20. 7 m-kg).
(3) Install screws (10, fig. 2-1) and nuts (11) to
Hold adjusting screw and tighten jam nut (1) to a torque
secure drive unit to frame. Tighten screws and nuts to a
of 90 to 100 pound feet (124. 2 - 138. 0 m-kg).
torque of 350-400 pound feet (48. 3-55. 2 m-kg).
(4) Tighten nuts (3) to a torque of 90 to 100
(4) Remove jack from truck. Connect service
pound feet (124. 2 - 138. 0 m-kg).
brake lines to wheel cylinders and to tee at top of axle.
(5) Connect drag link to axle and install steering
(5) Install parking brake bracket on motor and
wheels (TM10-3930-631-12).
secure with screws.
(6) Lubricate axle fittings (L010-3930-631- 12).
(6) Connect brake linkage to brake caliper with
(7) Raise truck, remove blocks and lower truck
lock nut and shoulder screw.
to floor.
(7) Connect cables to drive motor, checking
(8) Drivetruck(TM10-3930-631-12) and check
tags on cables for correct installation. Connect wires to
steering operation.
thermal relay.
2-10.  Drive Axle
(8) Refer to TM10-3930-631-12 and adjust
parking brake linkage and bleed service brake hydraulic
Before proceeding with drive axle removal,
disconnect battery receptacle and discharge
(9) Install floor and toe plates and drip pan.
2-11.  Steering Hydraulic Pump
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the mast assembly as outlined in
Before proceeding with steering pump removal,
disconnect battery receptacle and discharge
(2) Remove floor and toe plates.
(3) Attach a hoist to front of truck and raise
a. Removal.
The steering hydraulic pump is
truck to lift drive wheels from floor. Block truck securely.
mounted above the rear steering axle.
(4) Remove drip pan from beneath truck.
(1) Use a suitable hoist to raise the rear of the
(5) Disconnect cables from drive motor (6, fig.
truck sufficiently to gain access to the steering hydraulic
2-1).  Disconnect wires from thermal relay on drive
pump. Block truck in position with wooden blocks.
motor.  Tag all cables and wires to assure correct
(2) Disconnect inlet and outlet hoses from pump
(fig. 2-1). Cap or plug hoses and pump openings to
(6) Remove lock nut and shoulder screw and
prevent entrance of foreign matter.
disconnect linkage from brake caliper.
(3) Tag and disconnect electrical leads from
(7) Remove screws attaching parking brake
hydraulic pump motor.
bracket to drive motor.
(4) Remove screws, nuts and lock washers and
(8) Disconnect service brake lines from tee
remove pump and motor from truck.
mounted at top of axle and from wheel cylinders.
(5) Remove screws (1, fig.  2-2) and lock-
(9) Place a jack or suitable lifting device under
washers (2) and remove pump assembly (3) from
the drive motor and axle.  Raise the jack enough to
electric motor (6).
support the assembly. Remove the screws (10, fig. 2-1)
(6) Remove coupling (4) and gasket (5) from
and nuts (11) securing the drive unit to the frame.
(10)Check all brake lines, hoses, cables, wires
and linkages to make certain none will be damaged
during removal of drive unit.

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