![]() TM 10-3930-630-34
(2) Secure master cylinder in a bench vise.
9-12. Master Cylinder, Reassembly and Installation
(3) Using honing equipment, remove material
from cylinder bore in single passes.
the master cylinder as follows:
(4) After each pass is completed, remove hone
(1) Lubricate parts and cylinder bore with clean
and inspect for scratches and pitting. Remove only
brake fluid.
enough material to recondition cylinder bore. Do not
(2) Secure cylinder body (15, fig. 9-3) in vise and
hone cylinder oversize.
replace gasket (14) and filler cap (13).
(3) Install outlet fitting (11), gaskets (10 and 12)
If the master cylinder has been
and fitting bolt (9) into cylinder body.
honed oversize or greater than 1.007
(4) Carefully install spring (7), valve assembly
inch (25.5 mm) it must be replaced.
(8), piston cup (6), piston (5) and stop plate (4).
d. Check to be certain intake and by-pass ports are
Largest end of piston spring and
e. Inspect all other parts for corrosion, scratched or
pressure valve must be toward outlet
pitted piston bearing surfaces, rubber deterioration and
end of cylinder.
spring action. Replace all damaged or worn parts.
(5) Insert lock wire (3) making certain it is seated
f. If cylinder has been honed, replace all parts
firmly in groove provided in end of cylinder.
contained in repair kit.
(6) Install rubber boot (2) and push rod (1).
b. Installation. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 and
install the master cylinder.
b. Check brake shoes (6) for worn pawl holes, lever
9-13. Description
contact areas or wear pads. Replace if necessary.
a. The parking brake is a dual shoe mechanical
c. Always replace shoe return springs (4) during
brake, mounted at the drive shaft.
b. The brake mechanism requires no lubrication
d. Inspect parking brake drum (3) for wear and out-
except at reassembly.
of-round condition. Machine drum if possible.
9-14. Parking Brake, Removal and Disassembly
9-16. Parking Brake, Reassembly and Installation
a. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 and disconnect the
a. The parking brake is reassembled during the
drive shaft from the parking brake drum and to
installation procedure. Install the parking brake in
disconnect parking brake linkage.
reverse numerical sequence as illustrated in figure 9-4.
b. The parking brake is disassembled during the
b. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 to connect the drive
removal procedure. Remove the parking brake in
shaft and the parking brake linkage.
numerical sequence as illustrated in figure 9-4.
9-17. Parking Brake, Adjustment
Parking Brake, Cleaning, Inspection and
Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12 and adjust the parking
loose or sheared rivets and worn pawls. Replace all
worn or damaged parts.
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