![]() TM 10-3930-630-34
(3) Remove three thru bolts (10) from
alternator frames.
a. The fork lift truck electrical system
(4) Scribe a mark on frames (11 and 14).
provides power for the lights, horn, gages and for
Use a screwdriver to pry the frames apart. Remove
starting the engine. Electricity is stored in the 12 volt
screws (12) and disconnect terminals (13) from stator
battery. Charging for the battery is supplied by a belt
(29). Move end frames (11 and 14) apart to disclose
driven alternator, mounted on the right side of the
rotor (15). Place tape over the slip ring end on rotor (15)
engine, below the thermostat housing. The alternator is
and over the shaft to protect them from dirt and
directly connected to the ignition coil, through a resistor,
and to the ammeter. The connection to the battery is
(5) Place rotor (15) in a vise with
through the starter solenoid terminal. Refer to TM 10-
protected jaws and tighten only enough to hold rotor in
3930-630-12 for a wiring diagram of the electrical
place. Remove drive end frame (14) from rotor (15).
b. A solid state voltage regulator is mounted
inside the alternator. The regulator never requires
Alternator, Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
adjustment and no provision for adjustment is provided.
a. Cleaning. Clean all metal parts with a
suitable dry cleaning solvent, and dry thoroughly with
compressed air. Remove all dirt, dust and foreign matter
Alternator, Removal, and Disassembly
from the frames and fields with compressed air.
a. Removal. Refer to TM 10-3930-630-12
b. Rotor Test.
and remove the alternator.
(1) Check field winding for shorts.
Connect an ohmmeter as shown in figure 4-2 to the rotor
into major subassemblies for testing as follows:
slip rings.
(1) Remove nut (1, fig. 4-1) and waster
(2) If ohmmeter shows an infinite reading,
(2) and, using a suitable puller, remove pulley (3) from
slip rings and/or rotor coil is open. Replace rotor.
the alternator shaft.
(2) Remove nuts (4 and 5) and washers
(6, 7, and 8) from terminal stud (9).
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