![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
(a) Remove engine oil filler cap (fig. 3-
the engine and contains recesses which form the top f
2). Place a suitable container beneath engine. Remove
the cylinders. It also contains passages for engine
drain plug from oil pan and drain oil from engine
coolant flow.
The engine coolant outlet elbow is
(b) Install drain plug and fill crankcase
mounted on the cylinder head and contains the
with correct grade of oil. Refer to current Lubrication
thermostat. Spark plugs and distributor are mounted on
Order for quantity and grade.
the top of the cylinder head
b. Removal.
(3) When the crankcase oil is changed the oil
filter should be changed as follows.
(1) Open side panels and lift seat into upright
(a) Drain oil from engine as described
(2) Refer to paragraphs 4-58 and 4-54 and
(b) Unscrew oil filter (fig. 3-2) from filter
remove distributor and spark plugs from cylinder head.
base. Discard oil filter.
(3) Refer to paragraph 4-50 and remove
(c) Clean base and bracket with a clean
coolant temperature sending unit from cylinder head
lint-free cloth.
(4) Refer to paragraph 4-70 and remove
(d) Spread a light coat of clean engine oil
coolant outlet elbow and thermostat from cylinder head
on gasket surface of new filter. Install filter on filter
and disconnect coolant bypass hose.
base and hand tighten only
(5) Mark locations of screws (4, fig. 460).
(e) Fill crankcase with oil as described in
Remove screws (4 and 5) and carefully remove cylinder
(2) above.
head from engine.
(4) Close side panels and lower seat.
(6) Remove gasket (10) from engine block
(7) Remove remaining screws, studs and pipe
plugs from cylinder head.
(8) Wipe all exposed internal engine areas
with a clean dry cloth to remove all engine coolant.
(1) Open left side panel
Cover exposed areas with a protective cover such as a
(2) Inspect manifold for cracks and damage
plastic sheet.
c. Inspection and Service.
and for evidence of leaks.
(3) Check manifold mounting screws and nuts
(1) Use a scraper and wire brush and remove
Tighten if necessary.
all carbon from combustion areas.
b. Removal.
(2) Clean the cylinder head with cleaning
compound, solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D480) and dry
(1) Refer to paragraph 4-58 and remove
thoroughly with compressed air.
carburetor and governor from manifold.
(3) Check gasket contact surfaces to be sure
(2) Refer to paragraph 4-62 and disconnect
they are clean, smooth and flat.
crankcase ventilation hose and remove ventilation valve
(4) Inspect cylinder head for cracks, holes,
and elbow from manifold.
warpage and other damage.
(3) Refer to paragraph 4-72 and disconnect
(5) Check cylinder head for flatness shown in
exhaust pipe from top of manifold.
(4) Remove screws (6, fig. 4-49) and washers
(a) Use a straightedge and feeler gage as
(7) Remove nuts (8) and washers (9).
shown in the illustrations to check flatness
(5) Remove manifold (11) and gasket (12)
(b) Maximum out-of-flatness should not
from cylinder block.
c. Installation.
exceed 0.000765 inch (0.019 mm) per inch of width or
length. On a cylinder head 16 inches (40.6 mm) long,
(1) Clean carbon deposits from manifold and
maximum lengthwise out-of-flatness is 0.012 inch (0.305
gasket surface on cylinder block with a wire brush.
mm). Any out-of-flatness should vary gradually and
(2) Install a new gasket (12, fig. 449) on
uniformly from end to end and side to side. Localized
cylinder block and install manifold (11).
depressions or high spots should not exceed 0.008 inch
(3) Secure manifold to engine with screw (6)
(0.076 mm).
washer (7), nuts (8) and washers (9). Tighten nuts to a
(c) If cylinder head requires grinding refer
torque of 25 to 30 pound-feet (33.7 to 40.6 N.m).
to direct and general support maintenance. (d)
(4) Refer to paragraph 4-72 and connect
Replace unserviceable cylinder head.
exhaust pipe to top of manifold.
d. Installation.
(5) Refer to paragraph 4-62 and install ventila-
(1) Install stud (8, fig. 4-60), screw (8) and
tion valve and elbow and connect hose to manifold
washer (9), screw (1) and washer (2), and pipe plugs (7)
(6) Refer to paragraph 4-58 and install
in cylinder head.
carburetor and governor on manifold.
(2) Install a new gasket (10) on engine block
(7) Close left side panel
and install cylinder head.
4-82. Cylinder Head
(3) Install screws (4) in locations marked at
a. General. The cylinder head encloses the top of
removal. Install screws (5) in remaining holes. Torque
screws in the sequence shown in fig. 4-63.
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