![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
(2) Slide clamp (10) on tail pipe (12) and
(4) Remove washer (7) and nut (8) and
install tail pipe and clamp (11) on muffler. Secure
disconnect clamp (10) from support (9).
clamp (10) to support (9) with screw (5), lock washer (6),
(5) Loosen clamp (11) and remove tail pipe
washer (7) and nut (8). Tighten clamp (11) to secure tail
screw (5), lock washer (6), (12) from muffler and truck.
pipe to muffler.
Remove clamp (10) from tail pipe.
(3) Slide clamp (2) and exhaust pipe (3) on
(6) Remove screws (13), nuts (14) and washers
muffle inlet. Position exhaust pipe on manifold, using a
(15) and remove muffler (17) from frame. Remove
new gasket (4). Secure pipe to manifold with nuts (1).
grommets (16) from muffler
c. Installation.
Tighten clamp (2).
(4) Operate engine and check exhaust system
(1) Install grommets (16, fig. 4-55) in muffler
for leaks. Shutoff engine.
(17). Install muffler on frame and secure with screws
(5) Close side panels and lower seat into
(13), nuts (14) and washers (15).
b. Toe-In.
(1) Raise the rear end of the truck so that the
steer wheels clear the floor. Use suitable blocking under
The power steering system consists basically of the
truck to hold in this position. Block front
steering wheel, steering valve, steering cylinder,
wheels to prevent movement.
steering axle and wheels. The steering axle is mounted
(2) Remove floor and toe plates.
at the rear of the truck. Hydraulic pressure for the
(3) Operate truck and, sitting in operator's
system is supplied by the hydraulic pump. Rotation of
seat, turn wheels to bring them into position parallel with
the steering wheel operates the steering valve, sending
frame. Shut off truck engine
hydraulic pressure to the steering cylinder. Movement
(4) Measure distance between centers of
of the cylinder rod rotates a pivot arm on the axle. Two
wheel treads at the rear of the tires and the frame and
tie rods connected to the pivot arm are attached to the
then at the front of the tires and the frame.
wheel spindles As the arm rotates, the spindles are
(5) If the measurements are the same, no
pulled or pushed in the direction of the turn, turning the
adjustment is required. If measurements are unequal,
adjust the tie rods.
Steering Adjustments
(6) Remove cotter pin (12, fig. 4-56) and nut
(11). Remove boot (10) and tap ball socket (9) from
a. General. Adjustments required consist of wheel
wheel spindle.
toe-in, drag link and spindle stops.
Figure 4-56. Tie rod, exploded view
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