![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
Figure 4-52. Water pump and fan, installed view.
(4) Loosen clamp and disconnect lower hose
(5) Install drive belt over fan and water pump
drive pulley, drive adapter pulley and alternator pulley
(5) Loosen clamp and disconnect bypass hose
(6) Remove mounting screws and remove
(6) Install fan (fig. 4-52) on pulley and secure
water pump and gasket from engine block. Move
wit four screws.
alternator adjusting brace (fig. 4-52) away from water
(7) Close drain valve (fig. 4-53) in radiator
pump to remove pump.
d Installation.
elbow. Close drain valve (fig. 4-51) in engine block.
Refer to paragraph 3-12 and fill radiator.
(1) Clean pump mounting surface. Remove
(8) Operate engine and check water pump and
all rust and old gasket material from surface
hoses for leaks. Shutoff engine.
(2) Install new gasket and water pump (fig. 4-
(9) Close side panels and lower seat into
52 on engine block. Secure pump to block with
mounting screws. Attach alternator adjusting brace (fig.
4-69. Radiator
(3) Install bypass hose (fig. 4-52) on pump
and secure hose by tightening clamp
a. General The radiator stores coolant and provides
(4) Connect lower hose (fig. 4-53) to pump
cooling surfaces for the fan driven air to pass over and
inlet and secure with clamp.
lower the temperature of the coolant. It is mounted at
the rear of the truck in a cutout in the counterweight. A
grille protects the radiator.
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