![]() TM 10-3930-630-12
points. Inspect set for worn cam arm.
(6) Check cam for wear and damage.
(7) Check capacitor for leakage and
(8) Check distributor cap and rotor for
cracks, burned or pitted contacts, carbon streaks and
(9) Replace unserviceable parts.
(1) If bearings (20, fig. 4-42) were
removed, press new bearings into housing. Do not
ream, scrape or file bearing surfaces. Drill 0.125 inch
(3.18 mm) hole in bearing through oil cup hole. Clean
bearing thoroughly after drilling.
(2) Install weights (14) and springs (13) on
(3) Install washers (19) and shaft (18)
through bearings. Install seal (17) and coupling (16) on
end of shaft. Make sure scribe marks are aligned.
Drive pin (15) through coupling and shaft. Peen ends of
pin to secure coupling.
(4) Install bushing (12) and cam (11) on
shaft and secure with retaining ring (10).
(5) Install contact set (7) and capacitor (8)
on plate assembly (6). Connect primary lead (9) to plate
and install plate in housing. Pull primary lead through
Figure 4-40. Adjusting distributor breaker point gap.
grommet in housing.
(6) Refer to b above and set breaker point
(2) Mark position of rotor and remove
gap. Apply a light coat of grease (GAA) to cam.
rotor (4) and dust seal (5) from shaft.
(7) Install dust seal (5) and rotor (4) on
(3) Remove screws and remove contact
shaft. Install rotor in same position as it was when
set (7) and capacitor (8) from plate (6). Disconnect
removed. Install oil cup (11).
primary lead (9) from contact set.
g. Installation.
(4) Carefully remove plate (6) from
(1) Install distributor through cylinder
distributor being careful not to damage primary lead or
head. Coupling and shaft must mate with distributor
rubber grommet.
drive shaft. Rotate distributor until tongue on distributor
(5) Scribe a mark on shaft and coupling to
shaft mates with slot in drive shaft.
assure proper installation and grind off head of coupling
(2) Secure distributor clamp (14, fig. 441)
pin (15). Remove pin, coupling (16) and seal (17) from
to cylinder head with capscrew (12) and lockwasher
(13). Install distributor cap (3, fig. 442).
(6) Remove retaining ring (10) and
(3) Connect spark plug wires (2) to
remove cam (11) from shaft.
distributor and spark plugs. Connect high tension coil
(7) Lift shaft (18) from distributor and
wire (1) to distributor. Connect primary lead from
remove springs (13) and weights (14) from shaft (18).
distributor to coil (10).
(8) Do not remove bearings (20) from
(4) Place a few drops of oil (OE/HDO) in
housing (21) unless replacement is necessary. Press
oil cup on distributor.
bearings from housing to remove.
(5) Check ignition timing (h below).
e. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
h. Ignition Timing Check.
(1) Clean all metal parts in cleaning
(1) Remove distributor cap, rotor and dust
compound, solvent (P-D680) and dry thoroughly.
seal (d above). Check contact point gap (b above).
(2) Wipe distributor cap, dust seal, rotor,
Disconnect wire and remove number one spark plug
capacitor and housing clean with a dry cloth.
(located nearest fan) (para 4-54).
(3) Check weights, springs and plate for
(2) Refer to timing marks on flywheel flex
wear and damage.
(4) Replace dust seal if hard, worn or
(a) To gain access to flex plate timing marks (fig. 4-43),
remove battery and battery tray (para 4-54).
(5) Inspect contact set for burned or pitted
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