![]() a. Make sure a gasket is in place at the suction inlet
(2) Remove screws (7) and washers (8).
Remove bedplate (6), and gasket (9). Spring (10), ball
opening and not damaged when installing the oil filter
(11) and plunger (12), and the plunger stops (13, 22,and
27) are now uncovered. Remove them.
(3) Remove retainer plugs (16), gaskets (17),
bearings to 16 to 24 inch-pounds by adjusting the
springs (18 and 20) and pistons (19 and 21).
number of shims (20, 21 and 22) until that torque is
(4) Remove seals (15 and 24), springs (25, 26
reached when first lock nut (24) is torqued to 90 to 120
and 29) and valve pistons (23 and 28) and plunger (14).
foot-pounds, and second lock nut is torqued to 10 to 20
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
foot-pounds less than the first lock nut.
(1) Clean all metal parts in solvent.
(2) Inspect all parts for cleanliness and damage.
to 0.010 to 0.020 by interchanging spacers (17 and 18).
(3) Discard all nonmetal parts and damaged or
defective metal parts.
Note. This end play must exist after
c. Assembly.
completing step b. above.
(1) Install inching valve locator spring (29, fig. 7-
d. All screws used for mounting components to the
(28), springs (25 and 26) and plunger (23). Press seal
transmission case that have their heads exposed to view
(24) in place, and with valve body inverted from position
and are screwed into tapped holes that enter into the
shown. install plunger stop (22) and valve stop (27) in
inside area of the transmission case (through-holes, not
body to engage grooves in inching valve (28), and
blind) are to be permatexed when mounted (a
plunger (23).
precaution against oil leakage).
(2) Install regulator valve piston (21), spring (20),
washer (17) and retainer plug (16).
them with lubricant and make certain that they rotate
(3) Install regulator valve piston (19), spring (18),
washer (17), and retainer plug (16).
f. Be sure match marks are aligned on the oil pump
(4) Install plunger (14), seal (15), valve stop (13),
assembly with the transmission case front half, and rear
detent plunger (12), ball (11), and spring (10). Place
collector ring with the case front half, or oil passages will
gasket (9) and valve bedplate (6) on valve body and
not be open.
install washers (8) and screws (7). This plate retains the
g. Be sure snap rings are properly installed and
piston stops and detent parts in the valve body.
thoroughly seated.
(5) Install gasket (5) and valve bed plate (2),
h. Use a new gasket when replacing the control valve
using washers (4) and screws (3).
(6) Install pipe plug (1).
i. Check transmission oil level. Check that engine is
d. Installation. Reverse removal procedure.
at operating temperature and idling at 500 rpm. Place
gear shift in neutral position. Add oil if necessary to
7-11. Transmission Assembly
bring level to full mark on dipstick.
Assemble the transmission by reversing the
j. Test transmission as given in
disassembly procedures. Pay particular attention to the
points listed below.
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