![]() Figure 6-2. Stripping end frame.
both high or both low, or if lamp lights or fails to light in
m. With stator leads disconnected, connect one lead
both directions, diode is defective.
of ohmmeter or of 12 volt test lamp to insulated heat
sink and other lead to diode lead as shown in figure 6-3.
Note if lamp lights or note ohmmeter reading. Reverse
Caution: Do not attempt to drive out
leads and note readings or if lamp lights. If readings are
diode as shock of impact may
both low or both high, or if lamp lights or fails to light in
damage neighboring diodes.
both checks, diode is defective. Check each diode in
diodes are defective, use a jig to
heat sink in same manner.
support end frame or heat sink.
n. Check diodes in end frame by connecting one lead
Press defective diode out of heat
of ohmmeter or of test lamp to end frame and other lead
sink or frame with arbor press and
to diode lead. Note reading on ohmmeter or note if
replace, using arbor press.
lamp lights.
Reverse lead connections and note
ohmmeter readings or if lamp lights. If readings are
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