![]() CHAPTER 3
"overhaul"of the engine. All information required to put
3-1. Description
the engine back in good operating condition is given
here. Refer to the troubleshooting chart table 2-2 to
The engine is a Continental FS162 engine. This is a
decide what repairs are needed. If any repairs needed
four-cylinder L-head, water-cooled industrial unit. Since
are beyond locally available facilities or skills, refer the
this basic engine is used in many applications by the
job to depot maintenance. In all cases observe the table
army, direct and general support maintenance facilities
of torque values to insure successful repairs.
can be expected to be somewhat familiar with it.
3-4. Cylinder Head Removal, Cleaning, Inspection
3-2. General
and Installation
The following instructions cover repair of the engine
Refer to TM 10-3930-627-12.
through overhaul, and checks and measurements to
decide if rebuild at depot level is necessary. This
chapter does not give rebuilding instructions. Refer the
3-5. Valves and Related Components
engine to depot facilities for work beyond the general
support capabilities. Minor repairs can be made with the
a. Removal.
engine in the truck; however, if major work is expected,
(1) Remove cylinder head, manifolds, and valve
remove the engine (para 2-6), and mount it on an
chamber cover, refer to TM 10-3930-627-12.
engine work stand.
After removing the electrical
(2) Plug valve chamber oil return holes to prevent
accessories steam clean the basic engine or use any
parts falling into oil pan.
method that will get it clean enough for visual inspection
(3) Rotate crankshaft until lowest point of lifter
before disassembly.
travel is reached. Using valve spring compressor,
compress valve spring (15, fig. 3-1). Remove roto cap
3-3. Engine Repairs
assembly (18) and valve locks (17). Release and
remove valve spring compressor.
(4) Lift valves (11 and 12) out through top of
Many of the repair jobs which follow, taken separately,
cylinder block and tag them for installation in original
can be done without removing the engine from the truck.
However, should extensive maintenance be needed, it
(5) Remove valve springs and spring retainers
would be more practical to remove the engine before
(16) from the valve chamber.
beginning repairs. The mechanic doing the work is in
(6) Remove tappets (19) from cylinder block.
the best position to decide when engine removal is
Tag tappets for replacement in holes from which they
indicated. Procedures for specific jobs are given, as
were removed.
valve service, ring and bearing replacement, etc. No
attempt is made to define or outline what constitutes an
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