![]() Disconnect brake hoses at wheel brake fittings and
(5) If any quantity of fluid was lost from hoist
linkage at parking brake outer lever.
cylinder while it was removed, after installation bleed
trapped air from cylinder as follows:
(a) Place a heavy load on the fors to prevent
rising of the carriage.
Arrange that drive axle does not
(b) Remove the small bleeder screw and
suddenly pivot as studs (21, fig. 2-6)
gasket, located just below the chain anchor on the tube
leave transmission. Keep hands free
of the hoist cylinder.
of any area where they might be
(c) Station a man to observe the quality of
pinched by sudden shift in axle
the fluid coming from the hole from which this screw
was removed, and gently pressurize the hoist cylinder
by operating the lift control valve. When fluid is
(3) Remove four screws (21, fig. 2-9), washes
delivered clear and free of foam or air bubbles replace
(20), and two bearing caps (19). Support transmission
the screw and gasket, and check operation of the hoist
and differential housing so weight does not depend on
and tilt systems.
engine for support. Remove screws (19, fig. 2-6), nuts
(20 and 22), and washers (18) and roll entire axle free of
2-8. Drive Axle
a. Removal.
(4) Remove gaskets (16 and 17) and note
thickness for guidance in reassembly, as the same
Remove complete mast assembly (para 2-7
thickness of new gaskets is to be installed at
reinstallation of drive axle, if no new parts are to be
(2) Block up front of truck so weight is taken from
front wheels. Drain oil from transmission and drive axle.
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