![]() (d) Disconnect engine from transmission
(b) Fuel line from gas tank at both fuel pump
assembly by removing screws and washers attaching
and tank. Remove line.
transmission to flywheel housing.
(c) Hydraulic hoses at hydraulic pump.
(e) Draw engine rearward to clear trans-
(d) Choke c(able at carburetor.
mission input shaft, then hoist it clear of truck.
(e) Accelerator rod at carburetor.
b. Installation. Reverse procedure in a. above.
(f) Exhaust piping at manifold.
(3) Disconnect these points on right side of
engine (TM 10-3930-627-12).
2-7. Transmission and Torque Converter
(a) Electrical connections at alternator and
ignition coil.
a. Removal.
(b) Battery cable and starter switch leads at
(1) Remove entire mast assembly, (fig. 2-5)
starting motor switch terminal.
including carriage, forks; and lift cylinder as a unit, as
(c) Oil filter hoses at engine.
(a) Attach a chain hoist to mast assembly (or
(d) Temperature gage electrical cable at
use the forks of another fork lift truck), and relieve the
temperature sending unit.
weight of the assembly on its supporting parts. Arrange
(e) Upper and lower radiator hoses.
to brace the assembly against tipping as disconnections
(4) Disconnect points under engine.
are made. The forks are to be fully lowered.
(a) Block up engine assembly to prevent its
(b) Disconnect hydraulic hose at lift cylinder
fitting, and cap hose to prevent entry of dirt.
(b) Remove screws and washers attaching
(c) Disconnect both tilt cylinder assemblies at
flywheel housing on both sides of engine, and one screw
uprights (TM 10-3930-627-12).
and washer at rear motor support under engine timing
(d) Disconnect wiring to spotlight.
gear cover.
(e) Remove capscrews, washers, and angle
(5) Engine removal.
(a) Attach hoist chains to engine assembly.
brackets which secure outer uprights to bearing bracket
on frame. Lift mast assembly from truck.
(b) Check to be certain all powerplant
disconnections have been made.
(c) Check to see that all accessories and
lines will be clear as the engine is lifted from truck.
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