![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
Clutch Apply pressure to the applied clutch, permitting
picking up certain types of load, and IN (when moved
clutch slippage for close quarter inching operations.
rearward) for security in carrying a load.
(2) Further pedal travel dumps all Clutch
2-7. Instrument Panel (fig. 1-6)
Apply pressure, effectively neutralizing the transmission
a. Ignition Switch. Turns on ignition and
even if the selector is in a Drive position. The operator
energizes dash instruments.
can then inch in under a load, pick it up without shifting to
b. Starter Switch Button. When pressed, will
neutral, and take it away with minimum operation of
energize the starter, provided:
controls. Further pressure on the pedal beyond inching
(1) Ignition is on.
applies the brakes.
(2) Engine is not running.
f. Shift Lever. This lever is used to shift the
(3) Transmission lever is in NEUTRAL.
c. Light Switch. Operates spotlight and taillight.
REVERSE. Design of the transmission permits power
d. Hourmeter. Records and displays total
shifting between FORWARD and REVERSE at any
engine operating time on dial.
speed, without using brakes, if the operation being
e. Fuel Gage. Shows fuel quantity in tank when
performed requires it.
ignition is on. Scale, E - 1/4 - 1/2 - 3/4 F.
g. Hoist Control Lever. With the truck engine
f. Ammeter. Shows current flow to battery (+c
running, drawing this lever rearward directs hydraulic
from alternator when charging or from battery (except
pressure to the hoist cylinder to raise the forks. In center
starter current) when current demand exceeds alternator
position, the hoist cylinder is locked in whatever position
output. Scale: -50, -0, +50 amperes. Indication depends
it was at the time the control was placed in that position.
on engine speed, battery charge, electrical load.
Moving the lever forward releases the hydraulic fluid in
g. Engine Temperature. Shows engine head
the hoist cylinder to permit lowering the forks by gravity.
temperature in degrees F. Normal steady state reading,
The control can be manipulated by the operator to select
1600F-1800F. Scale, 1000F--212F.
the rate of raising or lowering as desired.
h. Engine Oil Pressure. Shows pressure of
h. Tilt Control Lever. When moved forward, this
lubricating oil when engine is running. Normal reading,
control tilts the uprights and forks OUT to facilitate
engine warmed up, 20-40 psi at governed speed, 7-10
psi at idle.
h. To stop engine, turn off ignition switch.
2-8. Starting the Fork Lift Truck
Perform daily preventive maintenance
2-9. Operating Procedures and Techniques
a. Shifting. Shifting from forward to reverse or
services (table 3-1).
b. Position shift lever in NEUTRAL (center of
reverse to forward is accomplished by moving the
fore and aft travel) position. Shift lever must be in
transmission shift lever in the direction the operator
NEUTRAL to close neutral safety switch and complete
wishes to travel. The vehicle can be power shifted from
starter circuit.
forward to reverse or vice versa. It is not necessary to
c. Draw out engine choke control fully, unless
bring the truck to a complete stop to perform forward-
reverse shifting operation.
engine is warm.
b. Service Brakes and Inching Control. Inching
d. Turn on ignition switch (fig. 1-6).
e. Press starter button instrument housing to
control provides a method of partially or completely
disengaging engine power from the drive axle to obtain
crank engine until it starts, while holding throttle slightly
high engine rpm for rapid lifting speeds while inching the
open with accelerator pedal.
vehicle. Two service brake pedals, on a common shaft
f. As soon as engine starts, push choke control
and located for either left or right foot operation operate
back in as far as possible without causing rough running
the inching valve. The operator can use his left foot for
of the engine. As the engine warms up, return choke
operating the inching control and brake, and his right foot
control to fully IN position. It is required only in starting
to accelerate the engine for high speed lifting. The first
and when cold, and possibly during engine warm-up.
part of the brake pedal stroke controls inching.
Note. If engine cannot be started in fifteen
Depressing pedal reduces oil pressure to the clutches.
seconds of cranking effort, discontinue trying to start it
Further depressing of the pedal cuts off oil pressure and
and determine the reason for failure to start.
actuates the service brakes.
g. When the engine starts, note that oil pressure
gage on instrument cluster indicates at least 35 pounds
pressure. If pressure is low or erratic, stop engine
immediately and check oil level.
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