![]() TM 10-3930-627-12
(4) When turning sharp corners, start from
2-10. General Loading and Driving Procedures
the inside corner rather than from the middle of the aisle.
a. Loading. Observe the following procedures
(5) The operator must accustom himself to
and precautions:
the peculiarities of rear wheel steering. Make allowance
Never, under any circumstances,
for the tail swing and free turning tendencies of the
attempt to operate a fork lift truck with a load so heavy
that steering becomes uncertain.
c. Driving and Transporting the Load. Observe
(2) Have forks correctly spaced for pallet.
the following procedures and precautions:
(3) Approach pallet with forks at correct
(1) While traveling, keep the mast tilted
height to enter pallet. As forks enter pallet, shift into
reverse direction.
(2) Raise the load only high enough to
(4) Position the forks so that load is
clear obstructions while traveling. Do not carry the load
so high as to cause instability.
(5) Spread the forks apart when carrying
(3) Back the fork lift truck down steep
wide loads.
inclines so -hat the load will not slip off the forks.
(6) Never attempt to use only one fork to lift
(4) Always reduce speed gradually, as
a load. Using one fork may damage the mast.
sudden stops are unnecessarily hard on the truck, and
(7) Get the load as far back on the forks as
the load may fall forward.
possible. If the load is placed out near the tips of the
(5) Watch instruments to insure proper
forks, the rated capacity of the truck will be greatly
engine operation.
reduced. This procedure is especially important with
(6) Always set parking brake when leaving
long loads, to prevent loss of traction on the trailing
the truck.
(7) Never stand or pass under elevated
(8) Always tilt the mast back to cradle the
load before hoisting it.
(8) Check the height of doorways for
(9) Tilt the mast out, and slide the forks
adequate clearance.
under the load, then tilt mast in before hoisting.
(9) Loaded or empty, drive with the forks
b. Steering. Observe the following procedures
raised to about six inches ground clearance, and with the
and precautions:
boom tilted backwards.
(1) Make turns smoothly and gradually.
(10) Never put arms or legs between the
Avoid sudden turns which may cause loss of control or
spilling of the load.
(11) Transport no unauthorized riders.
(2) A loaded fork truck usually steers easier
(12) Report any defect in the truck or its
than an empty one. The truck operator should accustom
operation to responsible authority immediately. Do not
himself to these changes in steering.
continue to use a truck with a defect unless specifically
(3) Do not go around corners too fast,
authorized to do so.
especially when there is no load on forks, as truck may
the truck with fresh water after use, and lubricate chassis
2-11. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0 F)
and mast more frequently.
a. Fill the engine cooling system with Arctic type
c. Inspect for chipped paint and beginning of
antifreeze as specified in appendix C.
corrosion and fix any defects promptly.
b. Keep battery at full charge. If necessary
2-13. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
recharge battery at slow rate between shifts.
c. If possible, store truck in a heated, or at least
Clean air filter as often as required,
disregarding normal intervals.
sheltered place. If truck must be left outside between
b. Frequently check quality of lubricant on mast
work shifts, take battery out of truck and' keep it in a
parts. If mast is contaminated with sand or grit, steam
warm place until needed.
d. Lubricate truck according to the current
clean, and relubricate.
c. Store truck in covered building when possible,
lubrication order.
or cover with tarpaulin or sheet plastic.
2-12. Operation in Tropical Area
2-14. Operation at High Altitudes
Maintain engine cooling system at top
Some power loss and increased fuel
efficiency at all times. Keep fan belt snug and radiator
consumption will take place at higher altitudes. This
clean and free of debris.
b. When used at or near salt water, hose down
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