![]() (1) Remove bolt, washer, cover and spring.
(1) Pull boot away from reservoir.
(2) Remove filter element and gasket.
(2) Unplug the thermostat connector.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Remove the two screws
(1) Wipe with a clean cloth dampened with
Repeat for second thermostat on
an approved cleaning solvent (Federal Specification P-D-
680) and dry thoroughly.
e. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Inspect filter element for dirty, clogged
(1) Wipe exterior of reservoir with clean
or damaged condition.
cloth dampened with an approved cleaning solvent
(3) Inspect for leaks, breaks, dents, loose
(Federal Specification P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
or missing mounting hardware, worn, cut or torn tubing,
(2) Inspect for cracks, dents, leaks, or
or other defects.
other defects.
(4) Replace dirty or defective filter element.
(3) Inspect brass screen and sump filter for
(5) Replace defective line.
c. Installation. Installation is the reverse of
damaged dirty or clogged condition.
(4) Replace defective screen or filter as
removal. Refill oil reservoir if required (see para 4-48).
necessary. Replace gaskets.
4-48. Oil Reservoir
Remove the six screws and
Do not operate the pump when the
hydraulic oil reservoir is empty.
(2) Lift assembly from oil reservoir and
Damage to the pump will result.
remove gasket, brass screen and mounting flange, and
f. Test of Thermostats.
(1) Fasten the thermostat and an indicator
Remove chain connecting cap to
thermometer to a flat metal surface. The thermometer
should be capable of clearly indicating temperatures in
the range of 175 degrees F. to 225 degrees F.
the four screws and lockwashers and lift cover from
(2) Heat the metal surface slowly.
(3) Check that the thermostat opens at
220F. 5F.
c. Removal of Sump Filter.
(1) Drain oil reservoir by removing drain
(4) Allow the metal surface to cool. Check
plug at bottom of reservoir. (fig. 4-15).
that the thermostat closes at 200F 5F.
(2) Remove access cover.
g. Installation.
(3) Reach into reservoir and unscrew sump
(1) Installation is the reverse of removal.
(2) Fill oil reservoir until bottom of brass
screen is covered.
Floor plates are mounted to the body in the cab
4-49. General
The seat is mounted in front of the battery compartment
4-50. Seat Assembly
on a spring-type mounting. The overhead guard is a
heavy tubular frame mounted to the body. Hinged
covers and side panels protect the battery compartment.
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