![]() (c) Shorted windings in the stator are in-
dicated if all other electrical checks are normal, but
the alternator does not supply rated output. For
alternator specifications refer to table 5-1.
ME 3500-624-34/5-2
Figure 5-2. Checking rotor for grounds, shorts and opens.
(b) To check the rotor for an open field,
connect a test tight or an ohmmeter to each of the
slip rings. as shown in figure .5-2. If the lamp fails to
light or the ohmmeter reading is high (infinite), the
ME 3930-624-34/5-3
winding is open.
Figure 5-3. Checking stator windings.
with the slip rings. If the reading on the ammeter is
above 2.9-2.3 amps. a shorted winding is indicated.
The alternator must be replaced. Refer to figure 5-
(4) Checking the diodes.
(3) Stator checking procedure.
Note. When checking the diode, disconnect the stator.
Note. When checking the statorwindings, remove the
(a) Connect one ohmmeter lead or 12 volt
three stator Iead attaching nuts and separate the stator
test tamp lead to the heat sink frame and the other
assembly from the end frame.
test lead to the diode lead (fig. 5-4). Note meter
(a) Check the stator for grounded windings,
reading or condition of test lamp. Reverse the test
leads and note new meter reading or condition of
Connect the probes of a test tamp or an ohmmeter
from each of the three stator leads in turn to the
test tamp.
(b) A good diode will have a high reading in
stator frame as shown in figure 5-3. If the test tamp
lights or the meter reading is low, the stator is
one direction and a low reading in the other
grounded. The alternator must be replaced if the
direction. If the meter reading or the condition of
the test lamp is similar in both readings, the diode is
ground cannot be located and repaired.
(b) Connect the test tamp or ohmmeter
defective and must be replaced.
(c) Repeat the above outlined procedure for
between the stator leads successively as illustrated
ail six diodes.
in figure .5-3. If the lamp fails to light or the meter
reading is high. the windings are open. If the open
condition in stator cannot be remedied, the
alternator must be replaced.
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