![]() flow to the starter motor solenoid. The ignition switch
system to determine the cause of the low pressure.
must be turned to the right when the engine is to be
(2) Ammeter. The ammeter is connected into the
started. Pressing the starter button allows current to
main battery circuit and indicates whether the battery is
flow to energize the starter solenoid for cranking the
charging or discharging. A needle deflection to the
charge side indicates the battery is being charged by the
(9) Choke control. The choke control, located on
alternator and a deflection to the discharge side
the left side of the instrument panel, controls the
indicates the battery is discharging.
carburetor choke plate. Pull the choke knob all the way
(3) Coolant temperature gage.
The coolant
out when starting a cold engine. Push the choke knob in
temperature gage indicates temperature of coolant
gradually as the engine warms up.
circulating in the engine cooling system. If the engine is
b. Instruments.
overheating, stop the engine and refer to table 2-1.
(1) Oil pressure gage. The oil pressure gage
(4) Fuel gage. The fuel gage is located on the
indicates the pressure of the oil circulating through the
left side of the instrument panel. The fuel gage
engine. The indicator should register approximately 25
indicates the amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tank.
to 30 psi under normal idling conditions. A cold engine
The gage is divided into four equal graduations from
will normally have a higher oil pressure than an engine
empty (E) to full (F).
that is warm.
(5) Hour meter. The hour meter is located on the
Caution: Always check the oil pressure gage
right side of the instrument panel. The meter reads up
to 9,999.9 hours and then repeats.
immediately after starting the engine. If the gage
does not register or oil pressure is low, stop the
engine immediately and check the lubrication
Caution: Do not operate the starter motor for
a. The instructions in this section are for the
more than 30 seconds at a time. If the engine does
information and guidance of personnel responsible for
not start, allow the starter motor to cool for
operation of the F60-24PS-180 Forklift Truck.
approximately two minutes before attempting to
again start the engine.
b. The operator must know how to perform every
operation of which the F60-24PS-180 Forklift Truck is
(6) After starting the engine, gradually push in the
capable. This section contains instructions on starting
choke control knob as the engine warms up. It is not
and stopping the truck, on operation of the truck, and on
necessary to use the choke during normal operation or
coordinating the basic motions to perform the specific
when starting a warm engine.
tasks for which the equipment is designed. Since nearly
Note. Excessive use of the choke dilutes the
every job presents a different problem, the operator may
crankcase oil causing wear of piston rings and
have to vary given procedures to fit the individual job.
cylinder walls. It is recommended that engine oil be
changed more frequently in cold weather because
of this condition.
and perform the required daily preventive maintenance
a. Gradually apply pressure to the foot brake pedal,
b. Start the engine in the following manner.
depressing the inching pedal when required to prevent
the engine from stalling before stopping.
(1) Place the shifting lever in the neutral position.
Warning: Always lower the forks to the ground
(2) Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
before leaving the lift truck unattended.
(3) Partially depress the
b. When parking, pull the hand brake lever back,
(approximately 1/3 of its travel).
place the shift lever in neutral, and lower the forks to the
(4) Pull the choke knob all the way out when the
engine is cold.
c. Allow the engine to idle for a few minutes before
(5) Turn the ignition switch all the way to the right
turning off the ignition switch. This will allow the engine
to the start position. Press the starter button to crank
to cool off gradually. After idling for a short while, turn
the engine. Release the starter button as soon as the
the ignition switch to the OFF position.
engine starts.
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