![]() f. Power-Shift Transmission.
(2) With the engine running, and transmission in
neutral, withdraw the dipstick and check the oil level.
(1) Remove the plug in the floor plate to gain
access to the dipstick located on the right side of the
(3) Add oil through the dipstick opening, if
transmission case. Refer to figure 3-3.
necessary, to raise the level to the FULL mark on the
dipstick. Refer to the current lubrication order for the
correct transmission fluid to use.
(4) Install the plug in the floor plate.
g. Fuel Tank Servicing. Check the fuel gage. Add
fuel as necessary to bring the level up to full.
h. Radiator. Check coolant level. Level should be
within one inch of the top.
i. Batteries.
Note. Overfilling the battery can cause poor
performance or early failure due to loss of electrolyte.
(1) Check the level of the electrolyte regularly.
Add distilled water if necessary.
(2) Keep the top of the battery clean.
(3) Refer to TM 9-6140-200-15 for more specific
servicing information
Figure 3-3. Transmission dipstick.
damage the equipment if operation were continued. All
deficiencies and shortcomings will be recorded together
To insure that the truck is ready for operation at all
with the corrective action taken on DA Form 2404
times, it must be inspected systematically so that
(Equipment Inspector and Maintenance Worksheet) at
defects may be discovered and corrected before they
the earliest possible opportunity.
result in serious damage or failure. The necessary
preventive maintenance checks and services to be
Preventive Maintenance
performed are listed and described it paragraph 3-4.
Defects discovered during operation of the unit will be
Refer to table 3-1 for preventive maintenance services.
noted for future correction to be made as soon as the
Item numbers indicate the sequence of minimum
operation has ceased. Stop the operation immediately if
a deficiency is noted during operation which would
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