![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
4. Insert worm (59), without thrust bearing, fully
inch-pound torque wrench and 12 point 3/4 inch socket
into rack-piston ball nut (65).
on lower shaft (76).
5. Align ball return guide holes with the worm
2. Tighten adjuster plug to add preload of 1 to 3
groove. Load all except seven balls (66) lubricated with
inch-pounds in excess of valve assembly drag. Tighten
OE-10 engine oil into the lower guide hole nearest the
locknut (49). Total thrust bearing adjustment and seal
piston ring, while slowly rotating the worm (71)
drag is not to exceed 8 inch-pounds.
counterclockwise to feed the balls through the circuit.
Alternate black balls with silver balls.
6-92. LASH ADJUSTMENT. This adjustment is to be
6. Fill one of ball ret urn guides (64) with remaining
made after the gear is completely assembled.
seven balls. Place other guide over balls and plug ends
with automotive grease to prevent balls falling out when
1. Back off lash adjuster screw (33, figure 4-32)
installing guide into rack-piston nut.
7. Insert guides (64) into guide holes of rack-piston
2. Using an inch-pound torque wrench and 12 point
nut. Guides should fit loosely.
3/4 inch socket on the stub shaft (76), rotate fully
8. Place return guide clamp (62) over guides,
counting turn between each end. Turn to center position
install two screw and lock washer assemblies and
which is half the total turns from one end.
tighten to 8 to 12 foot-pounds.
3. Rotate stub shaft through a 20 deg. arc noting
9. Insert rack-piston arbor tool into worm. Turn
torque reading. Verify with several readings.
rack-piston onto the arbor. Do not allow arbor to
4. Tighten lash adjuster screw (33) until torque
separate from worm until rack-piston nut is fully on arbor.
wrench reading is 4 to 8 inch-pounds higher than that
obtained in step 3. Reading should not exceed 14 inch-
5. Using a crowfoot adapter and foot-pound torque
wrench, tighten locknut (34) to 25 foot-pounds while
holding the adjuster screw with a hex socket wrench.
Lubricate all parts during assembly
with OE-10 engine oil.
1. Assemble thrust bearing (68, figure 4-32) and
races (67) on worm (59). Assemble valve assembly to
worm by aligning small slot in valve body (75) with pin on
worm. Be sure to install packing (80) between body and
Wet master cylinder interior parts
worm head.
with hydraulic brake fluid, Fed Spec
2. Install valve assembly and worm in housing (87)
FV-H-910 during assembly.
as integral unit. Adjust thrust bearings as outlined in
1. Assemble in brake master cylinder in order the
3. Position ring compressor (see figure 6-13 for
following: check valve (40, figure 4-10), spring (39), cup
tool details) in gear housing (87) tight against shoulder of
(38), piston assembly (37), stop plate (36) and retaining
housing. Insert rack-piston ball nut (65) into housing
ring (35).
until arbor engages worm.
Turn stub shaft (76)
2. Assemble clevis end (24) and locknut (25) to
clockwise, drawing rack-piston nut into housing. When
push rod (33). Adjust clevis distance between the eye
piston ring is in housing bore, withdraw arbor from rack-
center and the outer end of the push rod hex to 2-3/8
piston nut. Remove ring compressor.
inches. Hold push rod and tighten locknut. Assemble
4. Install rack-piston plug as outlined in paragraph
boot (34) and push rod to master cylinder.
3. Assemble gasket (30), brake line swivel fitting
5. Install housing end plug as outlined in paragraph
(29), gasket (28) and hollow swivel bolt (27) to master
6. Install sector gearshaft and side cover as
outlined in paragraph 6-81.
Fitting is installed with 1/8 NPT port
at top and the 1/4 inch OD tubing port
adjustment is to be made after the worm, thrust
to center of truck.
bearings, valve assembly, adjuster plug assembly, and
locknut are assembled in the housing assembly Proceed
4. Assemble reservoir cap (31) and gasket to
as follows:
master cylinder.
5. Assemble stop light switch to swivel fitting.
1. Tighten adjuster plug (52, figure 4-32) up snug,
back off 1/8 turn and measure valve assembly drag with
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