![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
Figure 6-12. Steering Gear Rack-Piston Arbor Tool Details
2. Inspect ball plug (81) in housing (87). If it is
leaking or raised above housing surface, drive it in flush,
to 1/16 inch below the surface. Tighten ball by staking
The silver ball size is stamped on the
the housing. If leakage cannot be stopped, housing
rack-piston. If no size is shown it is
must be replaced.
standard ball size number 7. Change
to next larger size silver ball will
3. Inspect all seal surface and retaining ring
increase drag 1 inch-pound or next
grooves for defects. If any defects are found, housing
size smaller will reduce drag by 1
must be replaced.
4. At initial assembly, the rack-piston nut, worm
5. Inspect ball return guides (64), making sure that
and balls are selected to obtain a preload drag of 1 to 4
the ends where the balls enter and leave the guides are
inch pounds measured on center through an angle of 90
not damaged.
degrees. This preload may drop during service, without
having any noticeable effect on steering.
6. Inspect lower thrust bearing (68) and races (67).
complaint of loose or hard steering, thrust bearing
adjustment and overcenter adjustment will correct the
7. Inspect rack-piston ball nut (65) teeth for wear
problem if it lies within the steering gear adjustments. If
and chipping. Inspect rack-piston nut surface for scoring
not, check the rack-piston nut and worm assembly for
or burrs.
excessive clearance, lack of drag, and also for
roughness at any point along the worm. If any of these
conditions is found, disassemble the assembly and
inspect worm and rack-piston nut grooves and all the
balls for excessive wear or scoring. If either worm or
1. Thoroughly clean the parts and lubricate the
rack-piston nut need replacing, both must be replaced as
internal parts with OE-10 engine oil.
a matched assembly.
Drag may be corrected by
replacing the silver balls with a larger or smaller size.
2. Drive new connectors (85 and 86, figure 4-32) in
Black balls need not be replaced unless they are
place with piloted driver.
in event the black balls cannot be
distinguished from the silver balls, replace with all new
3. Lubricate a new back-up packing (61) with OE-
10 engine oil. Assemble in piston ring groove on rack-
piston nut (65). Install new piston ring (60) in ring
groove over packing by carefully slipping ring over rack-
piston nut.
The ring may be slightly loose after
The black balls are 0.0005 inch
assembly. This is normal. It will tighten when subjected
smaller than the silver balls. The
to the hot oil in the system.
black and silver balls must be
installed alternately into the rack-
piston nut and return guide.
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