![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
6-42. FAN DRIVE ASSEMBLY. The fan drive is
assembled and installed as follows (figure 6-8) :
assembled timing gear cover is installed as follows:
1. Assemble shaft and bearing assembly
1. Install timing gear cover assembly using new
adapter and lock in place with setscrew and nut.
2. Heat the pulley and gear in boiling water for 20
minutes and chill and keep shaft in dry ice for 20
Camshaft gear governor upper race
must be installed in camshaft before
installing cover.
3. Quickly press gear and pulley onto shaft. Pulley
is to be flush with shaft end and the gear pressed on
3/64 inch more than end of shaft.
2. Install 7/16 inch ring dowel (3, figure 4-25) and
3/8 inch ring dowel (4) to align cover.
4. Assemble fan drive assembly (52, figure 4-18) to
timing gear cover with gasket and three screws and
3. Install two 3/8 x 2-1/2 inch screws (11) and one
washers. Do not snug tight.
assembled washer 318 x 2-1/2 inch screw (9) and three
washers (12) holding cover to front filler block.
4. Install 7/16 x 1-1/2 inch screw (5) with washer
1. Press bearing (20, figure 4-25) into timing gear
(6) in one dowel and 3/8 x 2-3/4 inch screw (8) and
cover (2) with oil seal (22).
washer (7) in other dowel.
2. Assemble shaft (19), dust seal (21) and lever
5. Install 3/8 x 2-1/2 inch screw (11) to lower right
(16) to cover. Assemble rocker arm (17) to shaft with pin
of crankcase, one 318 x 2-1/2 inch assembled washer
screw (9) to upper left of crankcase and 3/8 x 1 inch
screw (10) in remaining hole.
3. Assemble idle surge screw (14) and lock nut (5)
in cover and fit bumper spring (13) between lever (17)
6. Install dial indicator to record far drive gear
and surge screw.
backlash at points "B", figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8. Fan Drive Pulley Assembly
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