![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
7. Pivot fan drive assembly around screw "A" in a
1. Remove distributor cap and rotate rotor to
clockwise direction by tapping adapter at the top until a
alignment marks scribed during removal.
dial indicator reading of 0.0013 to 0.0020 inch is
distributor (16, figure 4-19) into cylinder head and mate
obtained at point "B".
the end of shaft (35) and coupling (33) with the upper
end of the oil pump shaft.
Check gear
Rotor will not turn when fully seated.
Check alignment marks. If marks do
8. Tighten three screws and recheck backlash.
not line up, pull distributor and move
9. Check that roll pin will enter tming gear cover
as required.
and insert pin. If adapter does not line up with previous
hole, drill a new hole at the dimples of point "C".
2. Install clamp holddown nut (15) and washer
10. Drill 0.129/0.125 inch hole, 9/16 inch deep and
install roll pin.
3. Install cap (10) and cables (1 through 8).
Do not drill deeper than 9/16 inch as
1. Position field winding (47, figure 4-21) so heavy
hole will break through cover and roll
lead is aligned with grommet (18) in housing (49). Install
pin will allow leakage.
insulators (48) on pole shoes (45) and install pole shoes
to retain field winding in place. Install grommet (18) in
field frame.
1. Assemble shaft and weight plate (35, figure
2. Assemble brush holders, brushes and related
parts (items 3 through 14) to field frame. Connect two
37) as required. Assemble drive collar (33) to shaft with
light field winding leads to insulated brush holders.
pin (34).
Connect two ground leads (4) between grounded
2. Assemble advance weights (31) washer (38),
brushes and ground.
cam (32), and springs (30) to the shaft. Assemble
3. Install washer (35) on armature (34), then place
holddown plate (28) and screws (29).
drive assembly (39) on drive end of armature shaft.
3. Assemble breaker plate (26), screws (27),
Install two collars (37 and 38) and retaining ring (36) to
capacitor (20), bracket (21), screw (22) and point contact
hold drive on shaft.
set (18).
4. Assemble armature shaft into drive end bell
bearing (25) install shift lever (27) in drive end bell so
yoke of shift lever engages collar of drive assembly.
Secure with screw (28), washer (30) and nut (29) .
Lubricate shaft wick with a few drops
5. Install brush end bell (I) with through bolts (2) to
of OE oil and wipe cam block with
keep assembly together. Pin plunger (21) to shift lever
light coating of grease.
with pin (22).
4. Assemble rotor (20) and cap (10).
5. Assemble holddown clamp (13) to distributor
and attach relay to drive end frame with screw (16) and
washer (17).
7. Connect field winning terminal prot ruding from
grommet (18) to terminal of solenoid relay.
6-48. STARTER INSTALLATION. Attach starter to
flywheel housing with three screws, and reconnect the
Align timing mark of engine with No.
electrical leads to the solenoid relay.
1 cylinder compression stroke.
Check by holding thumb over spark
plug hole to determine compression
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