![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
7. Install oil slinger (4) and drive coupling on
7. Sandblast, wire brush, or sandpaper remaining
crankshaft with screw (2).
paint or rust from the surface being worked. Rinse with
paint thinner.
8. Check crankshaft end play for 0.002 to 0.006
inch clearance. See figure 7-1. If clearance is not within
specification, replace front main bearing. Flanges on
conformance with good commercial practices and the
this bearing determine endplay.
applicable requirements of Military Specification MIL-T-
6-17. CRANKSHAFT CLEARANCE. Check crankshaft
clearance as follows after new bearings have been
1. Remove bearing cap and place a piece of 0.002
by 1/2 by 1 inch shim stock in bearing cap (see 20,
1. If crankshaft journals do not conform to the
specifications in figure 7-1, or are badly scored, grind
2. Install bearing cap and tighten to 85 to 95 foot-
journal to next standard undersize; and, use undersize
pounds torque. If crankshaft rotates with noticeable
drag, clearance is correct.
3. Clearance may be checked by "Plastigage"
Check the crankshaft for straightness
method if "'Plastigage" and special measuring scale are
within 0.002 inch TIR before grinding.
available. if this method is used, do not rotate crankshaft
Maximum grinding is limited to 0.020
with "Plastigage" in place.
inch less than diameter shown in
Install and check one bearing cap at
a time.
2. After grinding crankshaft, check crankshaft for
required fillet radii as follows:
6-18. PISTON FIT. Check each piston without rings for
clearance in respective cylinder bores.
Check as
a. Connecting rod and all except main rear
journal 5/64 to 7/64 inch.
b. Main rear journal 7/64 to 9/64 inch.
Piston and cylinder walls must be
perfectly clean and dry when fitting
3. Grind new fillet radii if required.
pistons. Pistons and block should be
at room temperature (68 deg - 70 deg
F ) when checking.
1. Install one-half of each main bearing insert ( 4,
1. Insert inverted piston in cylinder with long strip of
35 and 36, figure 4-28) in correct place in block. Oil
1/2 inch wide 0.002 inch feeler stock between the piston
each insert with OE-30 motor oil.
and cylinder wall, midway between the piston and
cylinder wall, midway between piston pin bosses. Piston
pin bosses align with crankshaft.
Machined surface in block, into
2. Slide piston into cylinder until skirt is 2 inches
which insert fits, must be wiped
below deck.
thoroughly clean of foreign particles
3. Attach spring scale to feeler stock and pull scale
so that bearing heat will be
and feeler stock evenly from cylinder. Proper fit requires
transferred directly to block web.
5-to-10-pound pull. (See figure 6-2).
2. Lay crankshaft (37) in place in block, install
6-19. PISTON RING FIT. Check piston ring for side
remaining insert halves in correct main bearing caps (25,
clearance in piston groove and end gap in cylinder as
26, 27 and 28) and reinstall caps, loosely.
shown in figure 7-1. If not within specifications, increase
end gap with a piston ring file. If groove clearance is
3. Check bearing clearance, see paragraph 6-18.
below specifications, rub ring on a flat piece of fine
4. After clearance has been checked, torq ue main
emery cloth until clearance is obtained.
bearing cap screws (32 and 33) to 84-95 foot-pounds.
5. Install crankshaft gear (5) and key (6) on
Check piston for unremoved carbon
buildup in grooves before reducing
ring thickness.
6. Assemble hydraulic pump drive coupling and
gear (1) with retaining ring (3).
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