![]() TM 10-3930-623-34
Overhaul procedures include painting as a
6-4. LUBRICATION. Before installing or assembling
necessary step in the completion of the procedure.
internal metal parts, coat each part with a thin film of OE-
Before the paint is applied, prepare the surface to be
10 engine oil, except where such application would
painted in accordance with paragraph 6-12. Synthetic
impair operation of the assembled unit. Such lubrication
paint primer, Federal Specification TT-P-636, and Class
provides easier installation, reduces the possibility of
B, yellow color paint, number 1310, Federal
damage during installation, and assures immediate
Specification TT-C-595, are used on the sheetmetal and
lubrication of the assembly when the equipment is first
6-10. CLEANING MATERIALS. Use the appropriate
cleaning materials listed in figure 5-1 prior to applying
Never apply engine oil to rubber
Solvents used for
parts, electrical contacts, or internal
removing paint are generally toxic and volatile. Avoid
parts of the hydraulic brake system.
inhaling the vapor and take precautions to keep such
compounds from coming in contact with unprotected
6-5. GASKET REPLACEMENT. Use new gaskets
areas of the face or body. Confine the use of such
throughout when reassembling. Soak cork gaskets in
compounds to a well-ventilated room, or apply out-of-
OE-10 engine oil fifteen minutes before installing. Apply
doors to prevent headaches or nausea.
approved gasket cement to one side of paper gaskets,
when required.
Never use paint removing solvents
from damaged or leaking containers
extreme care when installing or removing ball, roller or
or solvents that have been exposed
needle bearings. Failure to comply with installation and
to the air for long periods of time. Do
removal procedures listed below could result in
not permit paint removing solvent to
damaged bearings and consequent malfunctioning of an
come in contact with bearings,
assembled unit.
rubber, insulated wires, or plastic
materials as the solvent will quickly
1. Make sure bearings, bearing seats, and tools
deteriorate such materials.
are thoroughly cleaned before attempting to install
6-12. SURFACE PREPARATION. Painting previously
2. Apply a thin film of lubricating oil OE-10, engine
painted surfaces necessitates the partial or complete
oil, to contact surfaces of bearing and bearing seats
removal of the old paint before a satisfactory covering
before installation.
can be achieved.
3. Carefully align bearing with bearing seat before
1. Use paint removing solvents, abrasives,
installing to avoid cocked or distorted bearings.
scrapers or wire brushes, as necessary, to remove old
4. Carefully press bearings into seats with an arbor
paint, dirt, and rust from the area to be painted. Wash
press or appropriate removing and replacing tool.
the cleaned area with a paint thinner to remove wax
Always apply pressure to the race which determines the
deposits or abrasive particles.
fit when installing bearings.
2. If paint removal is not necessary, a thorough
5. If bearing must be tapped into its seat, use a
washing and degreasing job must be accomplished
rawhide hammer or cushion the bearing with a block of
before paint can be applied. Wash surfaces with soap
wood to prevent damage.
and water, rinse with paint thinner, and dry with
compressed air.
If slight
3. in the case of new metal surfaces, wash with
thread damage is found on any threaded part, repair the
paint thinner and use abrasive blasting to remove
threads with a tap or die of the correct size, as follows:
remaining dirt, oil, casting sand, mill scale, slag, or other
1. Correct internal or tapped thread damage by
foreign material. Wash with paint thinner again after
carefully turning the correct size tap into existing
threads. Carefully remove tap and inspect threads again
4. Apply paint and varnish remover with a good
to see if thread damage is still obvious. If so, the
bristle brush, stroking in one direction only. Brushing out
damage is too extensive to repair; discard the part.
causes rapid evaporation of the volatile solvents, thus
2. For damage to external threads, select a die of
decreasing the effectiveness of the remover.
correct size and carefully turn die onto existing threads.
5. Allow the remover to remain on the painted
Remove die and inspect threads. If damage is still
surface until the old paint begins to wrinkle and soften.
obvious; discard part.
After paint softens scrape or brush off.
6. Wash all traces of paint remover wax deposits
from surface with paint thinner.
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