![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
2. Wiring and Terminals. Check wiring for cracked
and frayed insulation.
Reposition wiring whose
insulation is being damaged by rubbing or contact with
surrounding objects.
Tape or replace damaged
electrical leads. Protect wiring from being saturated with
1. Battery. Daily, check fluid level of battery. If
lubricants. Keep terminals clean and free of corrosion.
necessary, add distilled water until water reaches
Check ground cable of battery frequently for corrosion
required level to cover plates. Keep battery clean. If
and deterioration.
necessary, flush corrosion from top with solution of
baking soda and water. This will neutralize battery
3. Regulator. Test regulator settings periodically with
Make sure battery cables are securely
good test equipment.
In case of battery over or
connected. In subfreezing temperatures, run engine for
undercharge, test and if necessary adjust or replace
at least 30 minutes after adding water to battery to
regulator before replacing battery.
assure that water will mix with acid and will not freeze. If
condition of battery is in doubt, check each cell with a
4. Alternator Drive Belt Tension. Maintain alternator
hydrometer to check if individual cells are faulty.
drive belt tension so that drive belt can be deflected one-
Recharge battery after properly filling with distilled water
half inch by finger pressure at midpoint between drive
and recheck with hydrometer after charging. If cell or
and driven pulleys. To adjust tension, loosen cap screw
cells continue to show low readings, replace battery.
that holds adjusting strap to alternator (see figure 5-1)
and loosen bolts that hold alternator to mounting
bracket. To tighten, use bar to pry alternator away from
engine to achieve correct tension; then tighten adjusting
strap cap screw. Tighten mounting bolts.
This truck uses an alternator instead
of a dc generator.
precautions must be taken to prevent
reversal of polarity when changing,
1. Alternator Precautions. Since this truck is provided
charging, or boosting battery. Refer
with an alternator some special maintenance
to paragraph 5-35 for special
precautions are necessary. Note that alternator and
regulator circuits have negative ground. Take special
care that following procedures are used. Failure to
follow these procedures will result in burned out diodes
and/or alternator windings.
a. When installing battery, always make absolutely
sure negative terminal of battery is grounded.
b. When connecting booster battery, make certain
to connect negative battery terminals together and
positive battery terminals together.
c. When connecting charger to battery, connect
charger positive lead to positive battery terminal and
charger negative lead to negative battery terminal.
d. Never operate alternator on open circuit. Make
sure all connections in circuit are secure.
e. Do not short across or ground any alternator
terminals or regulator terminals.
2. Alternator Removal, Installation, and Test.
Figure 5-8. Measuring Brush Spring Tension
a. Remove alternator from truck (para 6-51).
Clean alternator with cloth dampened with cleaning
solvent. Dry thoroughly. Do not allow solvent to enter
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