![]() TM 10-3930-623-12
1. Removal.
1. Start engine and allow it to run until normal
a. Drain cooling system (para 5-17).
operating temperature is reached. Stop engine, remove
valve cover (see figure 1-2) and cover gasket.
b. Remove hose clamps (fig. 3-1), bypass tube,
upper hose, thermostat housing and gasket.
2. Start engine and insert feeler gage between valve
tappet and valve stem. (See figure 5-3.) Adjust tappet
c. Remove lead to temperature transmitter, and
until the clearance on the intake and exhaust is as
remove transmitter.
specified for the engine in Section 2.
d. Remove distributor and spark plug cables (para
3. Repeat the above adjustment procedures on all
valve tappets. Stop the engine and inspect all visible
valve components for wear or weakness.
e. Remove spark plugs.
4. Install valve cover assembly and a new cover
f. Tag all head capscrews and key location to
cylinder head.
g. Remove cylinder head capscrews and washers.
Lay ignition coil and bracket along side of engine.
5-13. CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT. With the fork lift
truck on level ground, turn the idle mixture adjusting
h. Lift off cylinder head from engine. Remove and
needle with the fingers until it is barely seated, then back
discard head gasket.
off exactly one turn. Start engine and run until normal
operating temperature is reached. Adjust idle speed
2. Cleaning.
screw as required to obtain an idle speed of 450 to 500
a. Scrape carbon from inside of combustion
chamber area with carbon scraper, or use a wire brush.
Do not scratch surface when scraping.
Do not seat the idle adjusting needle
b. Scrape or brush gasketed surfaces of cylinder
too tightly since the tip of the needle
head and block to remove gasket paste residue. Wipe
will groove and prevent smooth
both surfaces with a cloth dampened with dry cleaning
engine idling.
Discard grooved
solvent (Fed. Spec. P-S-661).
needle and install new idle adjusting
needle as necessary.
3. Installation.
a. Position new cylinder head gasket on block.
1. Removal.
b. Position cylinder head on block and start
capscrews. Replace ignition coil with bracket and lifting
a. Unhook spring (8, fig. 5-2.1), release clips (9 &
eye bracket under proper capscrews.
10) and remove accelerator rod (11).
c. Tighten capscrews following sequence shown in
b. Remove cotter pin (1), unsnap pedal from
accelerator rod (7) and remove pedal.
c. Remove nut (3), rasher (4), and rod (5).
d. Remove 2 cotter pins (14), 2 washers (15), and
remove accelerator lever assembly (16).
2. Installation. Reverse removal procedure and install
the accelerator linkage.
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