![]() g. Installation.
(1) Clean spark plugs with an abrasive type
spark plug sand blaster. After cleaning remove all traces
(1) Position rotor so tip points to chalk mark
of abrasive from inside spark plug.
made in a.(3) above, and replace distributor in engine.
Connect primary lead wire.
(2) Test spark plugs with an approved spark plug
(2) Tighten distributor clamp screw only enough
to put a drag on distributor body if turned. Turn engine
until D-C mark on flywheel appears at hole in flywheel
f. Spark plug adjustment. After cleaning, adjust gap
with a round spark plug gauge to 0.030 inch by bending
(3) Turn distributor body clockwise until points
side electrode only.
are definitely closed.
(4) Turn on ignition, remove coil wire from center
g. Spark plug installation. Reverse d.
of cap and hold it about 1/4 inch from cylinder head.
installing plugs to 25 to 30 foot pounds torque.
(5) Turn distributor slowly counterclockwise,
stopping at exact point at which coil wire sparks. Tighten
clamp screw, turn off ignition and reinstall distributor cap
and coil wire in cap.
6-57. OIL PAN.
a. Removal.
(6) With breaker points closed, and ignition on,
connect a voltmeter across each connection in the
(1) Drain crankcase oil.
ignition low voltage circuit.
Wiggle accessible
connections, looking for a deflection of the meter. Any
(2) Disconnect starter cable and remove starter.
reading in excess of 0.1 volt indicates a substandard
Tape any "hot" cable terminals.
connection. Clean or tighten as required.
(3) Remove bayonet gauge assembly.
h. Ignition Timing.
(4) Remove cap screws from oil pan and lift oil
(I) Attach a timing light lead to No. I1 spark plug.
pan away from engine.
Install tachometer and run engine at 500 rpm. The No.
1 plug should fire at 9 degrees before top dead center.
b. Installation
The light should flash each time the mark on the flywheel
(1) Clean oil pan thoroughly; remove old
passes the pointer. If an adjustment is necessary to
gaskets. Install baffle plate and strainer.
obtain correct timing, loosen the clamp nut and turn the
distributor on its mounting.
Rotate the distributor
(2) Inspect inside of engine for loose nuts,
clockwise to advance timing; rotate it counterclockwise to
screws, cotter pins and lock wires.
retard timing.
Tighten the clamp nut to secure
(3) Cement new gaskets in place and allow
cement to set so gaskets will not skid. If lower part of
bellhousing gasket is damaged, cut at oil pan
a. Coil and capacitor removal.
intersection at block and replace with similar part of new
(1) Disconnect primary and secondary leads at
coil, and capacitor lead to positive coil terminal.
(4) Put oil pan in place and carefully start all
(2) Remove screws and washers holding coil
screws. Be sure lock washers are on screws.
and capacitor to engine, and remove coil and capacitor.
(5) Draw up all screws very lightly. Make sure
pan is centered at crankshaft oil seal so as not to
b. Coil and capacitor test. Test coil on an approved
damage rubber ring.
coil tester.
(6) Tighten progressively the five screws in the
bellhousing and the three screws next to the bellhousing
Coil and capacitor installation.
Reverse a.
(both sides) in the crankcase, alternating between
vertical and horizontal screws until tight. This is to pull
the corner of the pan in against the corner formed by the
d. Spark plug removal. Remove spark plug cables
bellhousing and cylinder block or crankcase.
from plugs, blow all loose dirt from spark plug area and
(7) Check alignment of oil pan at front seal and
unscrew spark plugs. Remove spark plug gaskets.
tighten four cap screws at front in gear cover.
(8) Tighten all remaining screws.
e. Spark plug cleaning and test.
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