![]() c. Distributor Inspection.
d. Repair. If contacting area of points is slightly
(1) Inspect the distributor cap for cracks, carbon
burned or pitted, clean area with a few strokes of a point
streaks, corroded terminals, and dirt.
file. Do not try to remove all roughness, or dress the
points down smooth; only remove scale or dirt. Do not
(2) Inspect the rotor for cracks and the metal
use sandpaper or emery to dress the points.
strip for burned condition.
e. Assembly. Reverse procedure given in step b.
(3) Inspect cap electrodes for burning or
above and adjust contact gap as given below.
f. Contact point adjustment. (Refer to Figure 6-
(4) Inspect contact set. Point contact faces must
21)With the distributor cap, rotor, and housing cover seal
be clean and unburned in appearance (frosty
removed, and the rubbing block of movable contact at
appearance of used points is normal, not cause for
the high point of the cam, check the contact point gap by
replacement), and contact surfaces must be aligned and
inserting a 0.022 inch feeler gauge between the contact
points. If an adjustment is necessary, loosen the
mounting screw and turn slotted head eccentric to move
(5) Check wear of shaft bearing in housing. If
the stationary point contact support until the proper gap
shaft can be moved sideways more than 0.003 inch,
is attained. After adjustment is completed, tighten the
replace distributor assembly.
mounting screw. Also, check points for alignment.
Figure 6-21. Distributor, Cap Removed
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