![]() (6) Attach input shaft to cylinder. Enter piston in
cylinder and install this assembly in pressure plate.
a. Removal. Drain hydraulic tank, disconnect
Secure with retaining ring.
hydraulic lines and then remove pump by removing nuts
at top and bottom of hydraulic pump mounting flange.
(7) Install clutch piston in cylinder, place
Pull drive assembly from hydraulic pump.
assembly in pressure plate and secure with retaining
ring. Clutch assembly is now ready for installation.
b. Disassembly.
(1) Remove and discard mounting gaskets.
(8) Remaining assembly of the transmission is
accomplished by reversing the procedures e.(l) through
(2) Remove smaller retaining ring from groove in
e.(20) above, paying particular attention to the points
drive gear, and remove gear and bushing from drive
listed below.
(9) Make sure a gasket is in place at the suction
(3) Remove larger retaining ring from groove in
inlet opening and not damaged when installing the oil
drive sleeve, and remove bearings and spacer from
filter screen.
pump drive sleeve.
(10) Machined relief's in idler shaft retainer (37,
(4) Remove pump mounting flange retaining ring
and eight capscrews, the seal and mounting flange
drain into the housing.
(11) As gears and bearings are being installed,
(5) Remove driven and drive gearshafts, four
coat them with lubricant and make certain that they
bearings, and two dowel pins.
rotate freely.
(6) Remove all backup rings and packings.
(12) Be sure match marks are aligned on the oil
pump assembly (78) with the case front half, and rear
(7) Remove two pins from pump housing only if
collector ring with the case front half (73) or oil passages
replacement is necessary.
will not be open.
c. Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
(13)' Be sure retaining rings are properly
(1) Clean all metal parts in SD..
installed and thoroughly seated.
(2) Discard all nonmetal items removed.
(14) Use a new gasket (21) when replacing the
control valve assembly (22).
(3) Inspect bearings for tight spots, during
rotation for looseness, seals for wear, and gears for
h. Installation.
chipped teeth and other damage. Replace gears in
matched set.
(1) Reverse the procedure given in paragraph d.
(4) Correct any slight irregularities in mating
surfaces which can be cleaned up by removal of less
(2) Refer to Lubrication Chart and fill
than 0.005 inch of metal.
transmission to proper level. Insure that engine is at
operating temperature and 450 to 500 rpm. Place gear
(5) Inspect end covers, housing, and center
shift in neutral position. Add oil if necessary, to bring
section for cracks and damage.
Inspect bearing
level to full mark on dipstick.
counterbores and shaft bearing surfaces in housings and
covers for excessive wear and damage. Inspect all
(3) Test transmission as given in paragraph c.
machined surfaces for scoring, wear and damage.
(6) Inspect shafts for loose keys, worn bearing
(4) Check adjustment of inching and shifting
surfaces, and damage.
linkage for proper operation. Check that on application
of brake pedal, with shift lever alternately in FORWARD
(7) Inspect thrust plates for wear, scoring, and
and REVERSE, that forward and reverse clutch pressure
is zero psi before brake application begins, with pedal
free travel between 3/8 inch and 5/8 inch.
d. Assembly.
(5) Perform operational test of transmission.
(1) Install two mounting flange aligning dowel
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